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Max & Lee
  • Category: People and Blogs
  • Country: Canada

After overlanding the Americas together in a self-built Sprinter van for two years, driving over 60,000km and crossing 13 country borders, we finally ended our trip in Argentina! It was an unforgettable journey but also time for the next adventure. You can follow our individual channels & our instagram pages below. Max - @max_bids đź“ŤAustralia Lee - @speakupforlee ** **TW: Mental Health After living an extraordinary life and a brave battle with depression, Lee passed on March 26, 2021. Mental Health knows no bounds. Lee's videos remain to celebrate all that she is: smart, kind, driven, adventurous, full of light & love. Lee's family has partnered with several Mental Health charities in her honour to continue Lee's voice. We encourage others to continue to #SpeakUpForLee, with your own Mental Health and to listen to others in your community. You are never a burden & you are not alone. Learn more about Lee's charities & Mental Health support @speakupforlee on Instagram

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How many subscribers does Max & Lee have?
Max & Lee has 488.0K subscribers. Max & Lee has had 56.7M total views.
How many views does Max & Lee get per video?
Max & Lee gets 540.1K views per episode on average. Max & Lee has published 105 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Max & Lee YouTube channel?
You can visit the Max & Lee YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Max & Lee mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Max & Lee belong to?
Max & Lee belongs to the People and Blogs category, and the creators are from Canada.

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