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Magic Flicks
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: United Kingdom

Hey Guys, Namaste, Sat Sri Akaal aap sab nu. Welcome to our channel, you are here with Stevie K and Sureet, we post 2 videos daily where we create HONEST reactions and reviews for trailers, songs, movies, shows and videos from other Youtubers. We also create our own content too. What makes us different to other channels is that we understand and speak English, Punjabi and Hindi and are always HONEST. You get the best of both worlds with us, we are Indian yet Live in the UK. (So it's an Indian and Foreign Reaction and Review, 2 in 1). We have been married for over 25 years and are parents to our four children aged 23, 22, 19 and 12. We do this as a hobby because as a family we have grown up watching and loving Bollywood/Indian Cinema/Movies and also love Filmmaking or Fashion, and we get to express that here, while enjoying this as a family. We would love it if you join us on our journey and Subscribe to our channel. Aap sab ka Bahut Bahut Dhanyavad Thank you.

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How many subscribers does Magic Flicks have?
Magic Flicks has 730.0K subscribers. Magic Flicks has had 427.7M total views.
How many views does Magic Flicks get per video?
Magic Flicks gets 121.5K views per episode on average. Magic Flicks has published 3.5K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Magic Flicks YouTube channel?
You can visit the Magic Flicks YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Magic Flicks mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Magic Flicks belong to?
Magic Flicks belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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