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I hosted a fashion show with my amazing friends @tannartannartannar, @Nalopia, @develique, @Berticuss, @Fasffy, @ilsa and @OasisOnOverwatch! We went head-to-head in three rounds, scoring each other with stars to see who would be crowned the ultimate dress to impress champion!
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you know we're back this christmas to prank @LazarBeam @lachlan @tannartannartannar @WinterFNT and more!! There are a few plans that didn't go ahead due to me having 0 time because of main channel, sponsors, pwr recordings and events BUT I'm happy with the ones that did happen. Now to do it even EARLIER next year to get EVERYONE
and it was an EXPERIENCE. everything going wrong ended up making everything better ❤️
racing across Melbourne with 2hrs trying to complete AS MANY challenges as possible with @tannartannartannar @fasff@Fasffy and @develique
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