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  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: United Kingdom

Welcome to LoliRock's official YouTube channel! We hope you subscribe and enjoy our music videos! LoliRock follows the journey of young Iris, a spirited teenage girl with a beautiful voice and an unending desire to help others. When Iris joins the girl group LoliRock, her life is changed forever, as a new world of music, mysteries and magical powers is revealed. A letter from LoliRock... Hey YouTube! So, I'm Iris and these are my best friends: Auriana and Talia. We love smoothies, clothes and our pet Amaru! If you pay attention- you might notice that we are also magical princesses- sent to earth to restore the oracle gems to my planet, Ephedia, and defeat Evil Gramorr...but that's if we're not rehearsing for our next concert! Love Iris, Auriana and Talia xoxo

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LoliRock Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does LoliRock have?
LoliRock has 1.1M subscribers. LoliRock has had 491.7M total views.
How many views does LoliRock get per video?
LoliRock gets 800.7K views per episode on average. LoliRock has published 614 videos.
How can I subscribe to the LoliRock YouTube channel?
You can visit the LoliRock YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when LoliRock mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does LoliRock belong to?
LoliRock belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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