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Little Mix - Topic
  • Category: Music
  • Country: United Kingdom

Little Mix are an English girl group that formed on the eighth series of The X Factor. They are the first group and the only girl group to win the original UK series. The lineup consisted of Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jade Thirlwall, Perrie Edwards, and originally Jesy Nelson, before her departure from the group in 2020. Regarded as the show's most successful winning act, their success led to a girl band renaissance in the UK. Little Mix's vocals and harmonies have garnered critical acclaim and the group have been ranked as one of the best vocal girl groups. They were often dubbed, by some media, as the "biggest girl group in the world", before going on a hiatus in 2022, allowing its members to pursue solo projects. Little Mix rose to prominence with their debut single "Wings", achieving five number-one singles, and nineteen top ten entries on the UK Singles Chart. Launched into mainstream recognition after the release of "Black Magic", becoming the first song by a girl group since 2008 to spend multiple weeks at number one.

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How many subscribers does Little Mix - Topic have?
Little Mix - Topic has 133.0K subscribers. Little Mix - Topic has had 702.6M total views.
How many views does Little Mix - Topic get per video?
Little Mix - Topic gets 971.8K views per episode on average. Little Mix - Topic has published 723 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Little Mix - Topic YouTube channel?
You can visit the Little Mix - Topic YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Little Mix - Topic mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Little Mix - Topic belong to?
Little Mix - Topic belongs to the Music category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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