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  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Do you want crazy stories with a lot of action and beautiful visuals all in a Lego video???? Well i think you've come to the right place :D For my films i use a Canon EOS 1300D, Final cut pro and Dragonframe Future Projects: - Lego Batman: Red Robin (A sequel to my Under the Redhood video, still in the early writing stages but planned to be my next big project after the Justice League series) - Justice League: Brainiac War (A short series that shows the Brainiac invasion and the transformation of the JL characters that we see in the Wasteland timeline. I’d like to one day get to this series but I’m not sure if I ever will. Having a similar feel to JL unlimited and show Superman as a hero and how he’s become the person we see in my JL series) For updates and photos go to my Instagram and/or my second channel.

lego stopmotion batman avengers justice league dc marvel

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Linkinpop13 has 91.4K subscribers. Linkinpop13 has had 60.9M total views.
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Linkinpop13 gets 336.3K views per episode on average. Linkinpop13 has published 181 videos.
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What categories does Linkinpop13 belong to?
Linkinpop13 belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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