Life Vest Inside is a non profit on a mission to inspire, empower and educate people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness! Life Vest Inside focuses on empowerment and helping people see just how awesome they truly are. When we truly love ourselves, loving others is easy! How do we impact change? Through inspirational media, technology, education, and on the ground social engagement. But above all - it's all about CONNECTING with people! I always say that I'm business of falling in love with people more and more each day! I hope you'll join in creating the change we all wish to see in the world! Reach out - I LOVE hearing from our fans! Learn more about how to get involved with Life Vest Inside:
Please join me in creating a worldwide message of hope for the people of Israel. Follow the link for details.
Please share this with anyone and everyone who is a believer in the human spirit, a believer in hope. Let's remember in a sea full of troubles, kindness keeps the world afloat. Love you all!
"A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose." ~Tom Wilson
July 10th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
"The easiest way to meet people is to just look like someone who is willing to listen." ~Robert Brault
July 6th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
"The secret powers of nature are generally discovered unsolicited." ~Hans Christian Andersen
July 5th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
"A man without comrades is like the left without the right." ~Solomon ibn Gabirol
July 4th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
"The only source of knowledge is experience." ~Albert Einstein
July 3rd - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” ~Christian D. Larson
June 29th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
"All I'm saying is, kindness don't have no boundaries." ~The Help, by Kathryn Stockett
June 28th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
Get your copy at
"If you only keep adding little by little, it will soon become a big heap." ~Hesiod
June 27th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
Get your copy at
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"As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John F Kennedy
June 26th - Kickstart your day with Kindness.
Tune in Monday-Thursday and kickstart your day with kindness as I share the days entry from my book, Kindness Boomerang How to Save the World (and yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts.
Get your copy at
Music by: Bensound
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