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Lady and the Blues
  • Category: Pets and Animals
  • Country: United States

Lady is a four year old Golden Retriever living her best life in the sunny California! We are here to spread doggo love to the world one post at a time... As seen on Newsweek, Yahoo, CBS etc 🍉 Melon Pupper 😑 Grumpiest Golden Retriever 🐽 CEO of boops Instagram: 699K followers TikTok: 2.3M followers YouTube: 1M followers Facebook: 184K followers DM us on Instagram! @ladyandtheblues

Dog Puppy Golden retriever Lady and the blues adorable cute pet animal puppies

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Lady and the Blues Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Lady and the Blues have?
Lady and the Blues has 1.7M subscribers. Lady and the Blues has had 921.4M total views.
How many views does Lady and the Blues get per video?
Lady and the Blues gets 916.8K views per episode on average. Lady and the Blues has published 1.0K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Lady and the Blues YouTube channel?
You can visit the Lady and the Blues YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Lady and the Blues mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Lady and the Blues belong to?
Lady and the Blues belongs to the Pets and Animals category, and the creators are from United States.

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