♥️About Krusty Gamers♥️ Hi this is Krusty Gamers and welcome to my Channel. This channel is a gaming YouTube Channel. I will upload videos of playing my favorite games showing gameplay on PS4 Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Rocket League, Gang Beast and many more. ♥️♥️♥️Please Subscribe: https://goo.gl/SDhNuj ♥️♥️Our Playlist♥️♥️ 🎮Fortnite Gameplay Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDJnBLI38Lmx7h4mPZYEXU3 🎮Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTC-J82sCGPwHWHPegnjHUyL 🎮Gang Beast Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTB3uXEF0GAIP50kuSkb7iSl 🎮Roblox Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTAClYtiXihq_DK5lMezjkCb 🎮Dragon Ball Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTBYG2WXUXTH3TAZ8z_NNkpQ 🎮Naruto Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDEGDPT3KsoJU5RX2rwW-YA
In this video we are going to show you our biggest rare collection of Thomas and Friends Toy Trains. We have a lot of rare trackmaster toy trains, plarail trains, new trackmaster Thomas and Friends Trains, Tomy trains, and a lot more. The trackmaster, plarail Tomy Trains included in this video are Gordon, Thomas, James the Red Engine, Edward, Rosie, Lady, Murdoch, Billy, Duck, Proteus, Oliver, Flora, Neville, Percy, Whiff, Arthur, Mighty Mac, Charlie, Gator, Timothy, Luke, Dart, Dennis, Splatter, Iron Bert, Iron Arry, Rheneas, Dodge, BoCo, Victor, Molly, Hero, Mavis, Paxton, Diesel, Diesel 10, Stephen the Rocket, Bash, Dash, Ashima, Hugo, Lexi, Yongbao, Salty, Spencer, Rusty, Spencer, Stafford, Henry, Henrietta, Frankie, Harvey, Rebecca, Hurricane, Stanley, Toby, Flynn, Belle, Caitlin, Connor and many more. If you enjoy this video please do subscribe to our channel Toy Trains of David. Thanks for watching!
Here our Thomas and Friends compilation video for our remake Thomas and Friends Accidents will happen stories. We compile our favorite clips and scenes into one video from our remake Thomas and Friends popular stories like Thomas and Friends The Adventure Begins, Thomas and Friends Wish You were Here, Thomas and Friends Samson and the Fireworks, Thomas and Friends Forever and Ever, Thomas and Friends Heart of Gold, Thomas and Friends Diesel Glows Away, and Thomas and Friends Engine of Many Colours. The characters from the stories are Thomas the Tank Engine or the Number 1 Engine, James the Red Engine, Edward, Percy, Nia, Yong Bao, Samson,Gordon, Toby, Diesel, and much more.
If you like our video please don't forget to like share. Thank you!
Here are our Top 3 favorite Thomas and Friends remake stories accidents will happen stories from Thomas and Friends Television series. The first story was An Engine of Many Colours this is where After James crashes into Tidmouth Sheds, James is sent to the Sodor Steamworks for repairs and a repaint. James is worried that the Fat Controller will paint him blue as he threatened to do that a long time ago after hearing from Kevin that there is no red paint but plenty of blue paint available. James falls asleep and dreams of arriving at Knapford Station. Thomas and Emily tell him he has been repainted blue, much to James' horror. The stationmaster arrives on the platform and tells James that Gordon has come down with the boiler and James will have to take the Express. James protests, but Thomas tells him colour does not matter as long as you do a useful job. A little girl arrives with her father and mistakes James for Edward, displeasing James. Then James is rolling with the Express, he finds it easy and picks up too much speed. Despite Spencer's warning about showing off and crashing again, James continues at high speed and heads straight for the Vicarstown Bridge before waking up with a start. James, relieved, realizes that it was all just a dream and drifts off to sleep again, but not before hearing Henry's whistle and seeing him out the window pulling the Flying Kipper. This time, he arrives at the shunting yard, meeting up with Percy and Stanley, who are both surprised to see James in a green livery. James is distraught, but Stanley tells him that the Fat Controller needs him to take the heavy goods train since Henry is delayed. James realizes that his green livery makes him strong and the goods train light. He rushes past Rosie on Gordon's Hill, who crossly suggests he stop showing off. On his way down the hill, he nearly collides with Edward's train but wakes up before disaster strikes. James is displeased with another bad dream, but looks up at the silvery moon, yawns, and goes back to sleep. In this dream, James arrives at the Duke and Duchess' summer house to collect them while Spencer is on loan. The Duchess points out that James' silver livery has been polished. James is delighted with his silver paint, as this makes him look very splendid. James rockets about, showing off once again, angering Gordon and going so far as flying off the track atop Gordon's Hill, to which the Duke says it was getting jumpy in the coaches. Hearing the warnings from the Duchess, Rosie, and Thomas, James slows down but meets Diesel, who tells James to crash and chuckles.
James apologizes for showing off and does not care about what color he is, as he only wants to be Really Useful. The Fat Controller mentions the time long ago when he warned James to behave or he would have him painted blue. Later, when James pulls into Knapford Station, he meets Thomas, who is glad to see him back at work and is surprised that James will not say a word about his paint because he had learned that colour does not matter and what was important is being Really Useful. Thomas asks him who told him that, to which James replies to Thomas that he did in a dream and he begins to puff away, but not without mentioning that his red paint looks splendid again. The second is Forever and Ever, where Gordon has a tantrum about all the changes being made to the railway and sent back to his shed in disgrace, Gordon insists that he is happy to stay there forever but his new friend Nia from Kenya helps him to see the changes in a different light. And third was Chucklesomes Trucks where Sir Topham Hatt came up to Thomas, James, Percy, and Rebecca to ask for a volunteer to pull a special the next day. Thomas, James, and Percy are eager to pull it until the Fat Controller reveals that it's some trucks to take to Vicarstown. This makes the three refuse to take them, leading to Sir Topham Hatt to choose Rebecca for the job. That night, Thomas, James, and Percy state their experiences with trucks to Rebecca; Thomas mentions when the trucks pushed him down Gordon's Hill and almost made him derail and when James was pushed by the trucks into some Tar Wagons, while James mentions when they pushed Percy into the sea. Despite the warnings from the other engines to be careful of the trucks, Rebecca states her refusal to let them beat her. The next day, Rebecca states about how exciting the engines' stories were with the trucks (to Emily's surprise) and wonders what stories she will have. While pulling her train, the trucks start bumping her. James pulls up alongside her and laughs at her, asking if she's having trouble with them, only to crash into some Tar Tankers again. Despite their teasing, the trucks become surprised when Rebecca plays along with their jokes. This also shocks Thomas and Percy, leading to Thomas stopping at a green signal and running late and Percy crashing into some big puddles.
Thomas and Friends Trackmaster Race|#ThomasandFriends Diesels Never Wins w/ Steamies The Great Race.
Join us for another adventure of The Great Race Trackmaster Racing. In this episode we have 16 contenders racing for The fastest engine on Sodor. This Thomas and Friends YouTube Video we're showing our 16 engines competing in our Trackmaster destinations and redesigned trackmaster layout. Make sure watch until the end and let us know if you like this video.
Here are the trackmaster contenders:
Thomas the Tank Engine, Hank, Henry, Flying Scotsman, Diesel, Nia, Splatter, Neville, Rebecca, Merlin, Diesel 10, James, Oliver, Dodge and Whiff.
Thomas and Friends Remake Gordon Gets the Giggles|Thomas the Tank Engine Funny Stories|Trackmaster. Here's another remake video of Gordon gets the Giggles from Thomas and Friends episode. Gordon the express engine had accidents in everything he makes. This Thomas and Friends story show Gordon the express engine gets the giggles in every accident he makes. This remake features Thomas the Tank Engine, Rebecca, Gordon, Sir Topham Hatt, Kevin, and Kevin.
BEST REMAKE Thomas and Friends Stories| Chucklesome Trucks Remake and Wish You Were Here Remake. Here's our Thomas and Friends Remake Thomas and Friends accidents will happen stories Chucklesome Trucks and Wish You were. Featuring Thomas the Tank Engine, Percy, James, Rebecca, and many more. In this video we remake two best Thomas and Friends stories using our trackmaster trains and trackmaster accessories. Please give us a thumbs up if you enjoy this video and don't forget to subscribe.
Trackmaster Bridges- Thomas and Friends Great Race in 3 different bridges|Fastest Engine. This video is all about Trackmaster Thomas and Friends competing for the Fastest Engine. 16 Trackmaster Contenders are competing including Thomas the Tank Engine, Nia, Rebecca, Bumble Bee James, Merlin, Percy Hurricane, Hugo, Yong Bao, and Stephen. Please watch until the end and see who is the fastest engine in this video. Thanks for watching. If you enjoy this video please give us a thumbs up!
James the Red Engine Top 3 Accidents will Happen REMAKE Stories|Thomas and Friends Remake. Here's our top 3 remake stories of Thomas and Friends James the Red Engine accidents will happen stories includes "The adventure begins", The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor, and Engine of Many Colours. This Thomas and Friends Remake stories is all about James the Red Engine showing all his accidents and runaway with other engines like Thomas theTank engine, Gordon, Edward, Rosie, and many more engine. This remake we used trackmaster toy trains and other trackmaster accessories and destinations. Hope you'll enjoy our own remake video. If you enjoy this video please subscribe and give us a thumbs up!
FORTNITE SOLID GOLD Random Fills Fortnite Gameplay|Playing Fortnite with my PS4 as Toona Fish!
Today, I'm going to play Fortnite on my PS4. Will be worth it? I chose Toona Fish on Solid Gold Random Fills. Watch my Toona Fish playing Fortnite Solid Gold Random Fills.
♥️About Krusty Gamers♥️
Hi this is Krusty Gamers and welcome to my Channel. This channel is a gaming YouTube Channel. I will upload videos of playing my favorite games showing gameplay on PS4 Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Rocket League, Gang Beast and many more.
♥️♥️♥️Please Subscribe: https://goo.gl/SDhNuj
♥️♥️Our Playlist♥️♥️
🎮Fortnite Gameplay Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDJnBLI38Lmx7h4mPZYEXU3
🎮Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTC-J82sCGPwHWHPegnjHUyL
🎮Gang Beast Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTB3uXEF0GAIP50kuSkb7iSl
🎮Roblox Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTAClYtiXihq_DK5lMezjkCb
🎮Dragon Ball Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTBYG2WXUXTH3TAZ8z_NNkpQ
🎮Naruto Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDEGDPT3KsoJU5RX2rwW-YA
Gang Beast Who will SURVIVE?! Gang Beast Playgame with Krusty Gamers Playing Gang Beast.
Another #GangBeast #Gamplay video guys. This Gang Beast video game is actually pretty good, I did nothing in some part and I won. I'm playing this Gang Beast here on my PS4 and I enjoyed it a lot. Can you guys guess who will survive in this playgame? Will it be the Blue Poop Man, the Magenta Sherrif Man or the Green Gang Beast Hoody Jelly Man? Please leave a comment down below if you want some more Gang Beast video like this. Thank you!
Gang Beast is a #silly multiplayer party game set in the gristly "MEATPOLIS" of Beef City, a city of colorful gelatinous characters, #hilarious scenes of cartoon violence and beef.
♥️About Krusty Gamers♥️
Hi this is Krusty Gamers and welcome to my Channel. This channel is a gaming YouTube Channel. I will upload videos of playing my favorite games showing gameplay on PS4 Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Rocket League, Gang Beast and many more.
♥️♥️♥️Please Subscribe: https://goo.gl/SDhNuj
♥️♥️Our Playlist♥️♥️
🎮Fortnite Gameplay Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDJnBLI38Lmx7h4mPZYEXU3
🎮Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTC-J82sCGPwHWHPegnjHUyL
🎮Gang Beast Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTB3uXEF0GAIP50kuSkb7iSl
🎮Roblox Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTAClYtiXihq_DK5lMezjkCb
🎮Dragon Ball Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTBYG2WXUXTH3TAZ8z_NNkpQ
🎮Naruto Gameplay Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57MSellByTDEGDPT3KsoJU5RX2rwW-YA
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