Short films of me (Kluna) & Charlie the Awesome Venus Flytrap. Business enquiries: [email protected]
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This might be the most forbidden ASMR meal yet! Watch as I prepare, cook, and devour the god of love himself—wings and all. Did he taste sweet? Bitter? Or something much worse? 🤯
If you've ever wondered "What does love actually taste like?"—this is your answer. But be warned… you might not be prepared for what happens next! 😳
This no-talking ASMR eating experience is packed with satisfying crunchy bites, slurps, and eerie ambiance as I take down Cupid one bite at a time. Stick around till the end… something unexpected happens.
WARNING: No actual Cupids were harmed in the making of this video… probably.
Subscribe for more weird ASMR food experiments! You won't believe what I eat next.
➜ What happens when fast food goes TOO FAR?! Today, I’m eating something that shouldn’t exist—a McFlurry Burger. Yep, that’s beef, fries, melted ice cream, and regret… all in one bite. 🤯
Put on your headphones for MAXIMUM ASMR satisfaction—from the crispy bun to the gooey, melty mess inside. Will this be surprisingly delicious… or a total food crime?!
What’s Inside This Forbidden Creation?
✔ Crunchy bun, ice cream, and fries… together?!
✔ Slurpy ASMR sounds & satisfying bites
✔ The weirdest food experiment you’ll see today!
Would YOU eat this? Be honest—comment below!
Like, Subscribe & Turn on Notifications so you NEVER miss another weird food ASMR experiment!
I have officially lost my mind… Who thought putting a carrot in a bun with whipped cream was a good idea?! 🥕🍞 And don’t even get me started on the pickle toothpaste combo… 🤢 This has to be one of the most cursed food experiments I’ve ever done!
Enjoy the crunchy, squishy, and oddly satisfying ASMR sounds as I take on the weirdest hot dog challenge ever. No talking, just pure bizarre food sounds to tingle (or disturb) your senses.
Would you dare to try this? Let me know in the comments!
Wear headphones for maximum tingles and discomfort!
Subscribe for more cursed food experiments & ASMR madness!
#asmr #weirdfoods #mukbang #asmrnotalking #foodexperiment #strangefoods #foodfails #oddlysatisfying #funnyasmr #grossfood
➜ I found a mini pool table… and I did the only logical thing. I took a bite. 😳Turns out, it's way crunchier than expected! ASMR lovers, this one’s for you—get ready for some satisfying crunch sounds and a weirdly satisfying eating experience. Would YOU try this?!
Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want more crazy food experiments!
🎧 Best with headphones for the ultimate ASMR experience!
➜ TOP 10 VIDEOS 2024, happy new year! Here are the most liked VIDEOS from my channel..
➜ Hi, I'm Kluna and together with my venus flytrap we eat funny/absurd meals like: mermaids, soap, cement and much more!
➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
➜ Kluna Tik Dinner videos:
➜ Charlie the Venus Flytrap:
➜ Kluna & Charlie (Luna tic) eating MINIATURE food:
➜ Business enquiries: [email protected]
WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
Happy new year everyone! 2020 was touch but 2021 Will be an awesome year!
I walked through the dessert and got a little thirsty so I made an ice cream out of
cactuses / cactus and ate it! The I bought some Play doh online and made a meal / hamburger out of it.
"Play-Doh" is also called: modeling clay, Playdough, pâte à modeler, plasticine, Plastilina, plasticina, modellera, Crayola,
Massinhas de modelar, Massinha de brincar, pasta de modelar, arcilla, juegos de moldear, manualidades, Modelliermasse,
Plastilin, Plasticina, Plastelina, πλαστελίνη, пластилин, лепка из глины, 아이클레이, プラスティシーン, 粘土, 橡皮泥, 橡皮泥
I also had a golden meal, everything I ate was edible gold, it was the most expensive meal in the world.
Then I bought the weirdest canned food online canned twix, snickles (pickles with a snicker inside).
And a chocolate muffin stuffed with beans in tomato sauce!
For desert I ate a jelly watermelon! And last but not least I ate sand noodles.
Estos videos contienen sonidos ASMR como: beber, tragar, comer, masticar pero no hablar.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos! 2020 fue un toque, ¡pero 2021 será un año increíble!
Caminé por el postre y me dio un poco de sed, así que hice un helado con
cactus / cactus y se lo comieron! Compré algo de Play Doh en línea e hice una comida / hamburguesa con él.
También tuve una comida dorada, todo lo que comí era oro comestible, fue la comida más cara del mundo.
Luego compré la comida enlatada más extraña en línea, twix enlatado, snickles (pepinillos con una risita en el interior).
¡Y un muffin de chocolate relleno de frijoles en salsa de tomate!
¡De postre me comí una sandía gelatina! Y por último, pero no menos importante, comí fideos de arena.
Эти видео содержат звуки ASMR: пить, глотать, есть, жевать, но не разговаривать.
Всех с Новым годом! 2020 год был трогательным, но 2021 будет отличным годом!
Я прошелся по десерту и немного захотелось пить, поэтому я сделал мороженое из
кактусы / кактус и съел это! Я купил в Интернете немного Play doh и приготовил из него гамбургер.
Еще у меня была золотая еда, все, что я ел, было съедобным золотом, это была самая дорогая еда в мире.
Затем я купила самые странные консервы в Интернете: консервы твикс, сниклс (соленые огурцы со смехом внутри).
И шоколадный кекс с начинкой из фасоли в томатном соусе!
На десерт съела желейный арбуз! И, наконец, что не менее важно, я ел лапшу с песком.
あけましておめでとう皆さん! 2020年は感動的でしたが、2021年は素晴らしい年になります!
サボテン/サボテンと食べました! オンラインでPlaydohを購入し、それから食事/ハンバーガーを作りました。
砂漠ではゼリースイカを食べました! そして最後に、私は砂麺を食べました。
仙人掌/仙人掌就吃了! 我在网上买了一些Play Doh,用它做饭/汉堡包。
为了沙漠,我吃了一个果冻西瓜! 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我吃了面条。
تحتوي مقاطع الفيديو هذه على أصوات ASMR مثل: الشرب ، والبلع ، والأكل ، والمضغ ولكن لا تتحدث.
سنة جديدة سعيدة للجميع! كان عام 2020 مناسبًا ولكن سيكون عام 2021 عامًا رائعًا!
مشيت عبر الحلوى وشعرت بالعطش قليلاً لذلك صنعت الآيس كريم
صبار وأكله! لقد اشتريت بعض Play doh عبر الإنترنت وقمت بإعداد وجبة / هامبرغر منه.
كما تناولت وجبة ذهبية ، كل ما أكلته كان ذهبًا صالحًا للأكل ، وكانت أغلى وجبة في العالم.
ثم اشتريت أغرب الأطعمة المعلبة المعلبة عبر الإنترنت ، السنيكلز (المخللات مع سنيكر بالداخل).
وكعكة الشوكولاتة محشوة بالفول بصلصة الطماطم!
للصحراء أكلت بطيخ جيلي! وأخيرًا وليس آخرًا ، أكلت المعكرونة الرملية.
➜ If you grew up in the 90s or early 2000s, this ASMR video is about to unlock memories you forgot existed.
This video should tap into nostalgia, humor, and satisfying sounds that define millennial culture—think 90s and early 2000s sounds, old-school tech, childhood toys / snacks, and classic experiences.
Put on your headphones 🎧 and enjoy the oddly satisfying, nostalgic sounds.
#asmr #millennials #nostalgicsounds #90s #2000s #satisfyingsounds #retro #tbt #oldschoolasmr
➜ In this video, I take on a crazy toothpaste eating contest with 3 unique and outrageous toothpaste creations! 🪥 Watch as I try out these fun and over-the-top party food hacks that will surprise and entertain your guests.
Perfect for any party or just a good laugh, these toothpaste foodsare unlike anything you've seen before. Can I handle all three? Tune in and find out!
#ToothpasteChallenge #PartyTricks #FunHacks #CrazyToothpaste #EatingChallenge
➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
➜ In this video I’ve put a compilation of my best ASMR moments from 2024! From relaxing sounds to creative triggers, this video highlights my favorite videos from the year. 🎧✨
Sit back, relax, and enjoy a variety of soothing ASMR clips that will help you unwind and find your calm. Whether you’ve been with me throughout 2024 or are discovering my content for the first time,
I hope this compilation brings you the tingles you’re looking for!
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more in 2025!
➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
➜ Join me as I taste these unusual secret items and share my honest reaction. Are they as strange as they sound, or surprisingly delicious?
I tried the secret McDonald's menu to try the slimy aloe vera burger and aloe vera fries made from fat / slime plants! 🍔🍟
In this video, I explore the vegan options on the secret McDonald's menu by trying the slimy aloe vera burger and aloe vera fries made from fat plants! 🍔🍟
Join me as I taste these unique plant-based items and share my honest reaction. Are they as unusual as they sound, or surprisingly tasty?
Watch to find out, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more vegan food adventures!
Welcome to this vegan ASMR experience! In this video, I explore the secret McDonald's menu by trying the slimy aloe vera burger and aloe vera fries made from fat plants. 🌱🍔
#VeganASMR #AloeVeraBurger #ASMR #PlantBased #relaxation
Enjoy the soothing sounds of crunching, squishing, and gentle tapping as I dive into these unique vegan treats. The calming atmosphere and ASMR triggers are perfect for relaxation and winding down.
➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
➜ Enjoy a variety of Christmas-themed triggers, from gentle tapping and crinkling to soothing whispers. Let the sounds of the season wash over you and create a cozy atmosphere.
Perfect for relaxation or winding down, I hope you find these Christmas tingles enjoyable. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more ASMR content!
➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia.Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) signifies the subjective experience of 'low-grade euphoria' characterized by 'a combination of positie feelings, relaxation, and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin'.It typically begins 'on the scalp' before moving 'down the spine' to the base of the neck, sometimes spreading 'to the back, arms and legs as intensity increases', most commonly triggered by specific acoustic and visual stimuli including the content of some digital videos, and less commonly by intentional attentional control.
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