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We compare a $5,000 RC Drift Car to a $500, a $50 and a $5 Radio Controlled Drift Car
🚗Win $10,000 RC Mega Bundle https://raffall.com/377383/enter-raffle-to-win-18x-traxxas-arrma-rc-car-mega-bundle-hosted-by-kevin-talbot
Buy Cars Here (Prices change but were correct at time of filming)
$5 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005139080402.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.7.187eztSBztSBSw&algo_pvid=4726d491-3394-46ab-89a8-a19ea89a3ab4&algo_exp_id=4726d491-3394-46ab-89a8-a19ea89a3ab4-30&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22order%22%3A%2223%22%2C%22eval%22%3A%221%22%7D&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%215.32%213.35%21%21%216.49%214.09%21%402102f0cc17395691840308695e5fff%2112000031818091016%21sea%21IM%216100852526%21X&curPageLogUid=4vJuq80joN7N&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
$19 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mDGIaZN7PT
$19 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GG38LSQ19E
$22 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/v3DIaiA7Zp
$42 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mDmSo8Q1SP
$50 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DK38L8nfSS
$250 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GGGIOSAuZO
$330 https://tinyurl.com/4h8jw6w8
$500 https://tinyurl.com/2s4y5cb4
Car https://tinyurl.com/4fupavae
Motor https://tinyurl.com/3jdp3xxt
ESC https://tinyurl.com/2dsh8hw6
Lipo https://onyxrcpowersystems.com/collections/onyx-2s
Servo https://tinyurl.com/5ysjyhup
Radio https://tinyurl.com/3vc4tpza
$5000 Too many parts top list, please visit ASBO-RC, the ultimate on stop RC Drift car store
ASBO-RC https://www.asborc.com/
Full videos:
Traxxas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPgSpWD-4sQ
Lambo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiOuRcNESUM
👕Game Over Clothing https://teespring.com/stores/kevs-merch
🚗Kev's RC Basher School - https://kevin-talbot.teachable.com/p/kev-s-rc-basher
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
We test the new Arrma Notorious RC Stunt Truck
🚗Win $10,000 RC Mega Bundle https://raffall.com/377383/enter-raffle-to-win-18x-traxxas-arrma-rc-car-mega-bundle-hosted-by-kevin-talbot
Buy the cars here:
UK https://www.applianceelectronics.co.uk/
USA https://tinyurl.com/3tjsvcf8
Gens Ace https://gensace.de/
ONYX https://onyxrcpowersystems.com/
🎓Kevin's 11 steps to work from home - eBay Powerseller Blueprint https://kevtalbot.clickfunnels.com/squeeze-page31158442
👕Game Over Clothing https://teespring.com/stores/kevs-merch
🚗My RC YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHef8qZOAC7AD7rYyce-Ow?
🧡INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/talbotkev
❤️TICTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@kevtalbot
💙FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/kevintalbotvideos/
💚RUMBLE https://rumble.com/user/KevinTalbot
🚗Kev's RC Basher School - https://kevin-talbot.teachable.com/p/kev-s-rc-basher
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
We but the biggest RC Motor you can buy into a Mega Kraton 12s
🚗Win Kraton 8s https://raffall.com/376010/enter-raffle-to-win-ultimate-arrma-kraton-8s-4000-cash-alternative-hosted-by-kevin-talbot
Buy Car & Upgrades Here:
Kraton https://tinyurl.com/yc4jd7w7
Perfect Pass Servo https://tinyurl.com/y5edh5kb
Max 4 Motor https://tinyurl.com/bjs6knya
MAx 4 ESC https://tinyurl.com/3pkttr8s
M2C Mega Kraton Kit https://tinyurl.com/2vc5s9fu
GPM Upgrades https://tinyurl.com/5n89uzzv
Vitavon Bulkheads https://tinyurl.com/39x7shka
Gens Ace Charger & Lipos https://gensace.de/
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
We test the latest Arrma Senton 3s with clipless body. It's very good, but has a couple of issues you need to know before considering buying one.
🚗Win some of my cars https://raffall.com/kevin_talbot
get 1 free ticket (promo code: FREE) no purchase necessary.
Buy stuff you see in this video here
Senton https://tinyurl.com/ywu72v46
Maxx https://tinyurl.com/28yuywps
Perfect Pass Servo https://www.perfectpassrc.com?sca_ref=7310660.1uZe7JRX9c5pZ
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
ReBuilding the wrecked Primal GAME OVER Truck and Snow Bash
🚗Win GAME OVER truck for free https://raffall.com/372913/enter-raffle-to-win-game-over-taylor-71-engine-hosted-by-kevin-talbot
Promo code: FREE
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
Buy Here:
Truck https://primalrc.com/kevin-talbot-edition/
Engine https://taylorrc.co.uk/products/primal-mt-taylor-71-supreme-package
Servos https://www.perfectpassrc.com/products/monster-xl-1-5-110kg-servo
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
In this video you can win a Traxxas X-Maxx rc car for FREE!!
Promo code: FREE
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
Dreams are still possible. If you want something enough, no matter what the naysayers and haters say, if you believe in yourself, your wildest dreams can become a reality. You have 1 life, grab it with both hands!!
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
RC Cars the Movie 2024. A whole year of RC all in one video, and what a year it was!! Get yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show! Heres to an even better 2025 for everyone!!
🚗Win some of my RC cars https://raffall.com/kevin_talbot
See Part 1 here https://youtu.be/Jx4GWTTcfRI
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
The new Arrma GROM Brushless cars are FAST! But are they any good?
🚗Win some of my cars https://raffall.com/kevin_talbot
Buy Cars here - https://tinyurl.com/5asjkbjp
GPM Upgrades - https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/
Gens Ace - https://gensace.de/collections/charger/products/imars-d1000
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
see PART 2 here https://youtu.be/hrmbNIkQYgE
A look back at 2024, the best year yet for RC!! Sit back and enjoy the show!!
🚗Win some one of my other cars https://raffall.com/kevin_talbot
This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
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