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  • Category: Music
  • Country: Canada

As you decide to go for a relaxing stroll to the waterfall, all of the sudden someone from another world appears right in front of you! It's none other than me Dio--!!! Ahem--- I mean... Nitori Kawashiro who lives alone in the Waterfall of Nine Heavens that is also known as Youkai Mountain. "Fiances, Friends and Failures. You give me that packet of cucumbers and I can give you a detailed rundown on a topic pertaining to any of those aspects." You feel two mechinal arms locking around your waist and realize she's not there anymore. A warm breath against your ear shakes you to your core; a small laugh nearly causes you to faint. The hands grip into your clothes and you feel cold steel against your butt and trace of bare hand going through into your very essence of life. 'You enough of a helping, stranger?'


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Kappashiro gets 158.2K views per episode on average. Kappashiro has published 1.2K videos.
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Kappashiro belongs to the Music category, and the creators are from Canada.

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