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John Downer Productions
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: United Kingdom

John Downer Productions is a company that specialises in making wildlife films that take the viewer into the animal world. It has won numerous international awards for its innovative approach to filmmaking. It made its name by abandoning the traditional style of nature documentary and pioneering a highly inventive subjective approach. Through the use of new immersive techniques, including the use of Spy Cameras, it entered animals' lives and revealed their world as never before. ***New Videos uploaded every 2 weeks on a Thursday or Friday!***

wildlife funny animals spy cameras david tennant john downer productions jdp spy on the ice swarm pride documentary

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wildlife behavior animal habitats innovative filming techniques subjective nature documentaries spy camera technology

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John Downer Productions Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does John Downer Productions have?
John Downer Productions has 959.0K subscribers. John Downer Productions has had 427.9M total views.
How many views does John Downer Productions get per video?
John Downer Productions gets 1.8M views per episode on average. John Downer Productions has published 243 videos.
How can I subscribe to the John Downer Productions YouTube channel?
You can visit the John Downer Productions YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when John Downer Productions mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does John Downer Productions belong to?
John Downer Productions belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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