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  • Category: Music
  • Country: Australia

One of Australia’s most successful female artists, Jessica Mauboy is from outback Australia with her family originating from the Indigenous tribe KuKu Yalanji. Her musical journey began in 2006 with Australian Idol, and since then Jessica has sold over 2.5 million units in Australia, achieved fourteen Top 30 hit singles from three studio albums, four (4) ARIA accredited Platinum selling albums and received numerous awards including the 2014 ARIA Award for Best Female and the 2012 ARIA Award for Best Pop Release. 'HILDA' her fourth studio album released this October and one of Mauboy’s best works to date.

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JessicaMauboyVEVO has 95.8K subscribers. JessicaMauboyVEVO has had 83.0M total views.
How many views does JessicaMauboyVEVO get per video?
JessicaMauboyVEVO gets 754.9K views per episode on average. JessicaMauboyVEVO has published 110 videos.
How can I subscribe to the JessicaMauboyVEVO YouTube channel?
You can visit the JessicaMauboyVEVO YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when JessicaMauboyVEVO mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does JessicaMauboyVEVO belong to?
JessicaMauboyVEVO belongs to the Music category, and the creators are from Australia.

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