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Jeff & Alyssa
  • Category: Nonprofits and Activism
  • Country: United States

Hey everyone! Welcome to my channel. Here you can expect a good dose of random with hopefully a big chunk of awesome. I make videos that attempt to make people think differently about a myriad of different things in life as well as my wife Alyssa and I do a new family vlog every Thursday! Hangout and look around on the channel to check us out! Appreciate you guys!

jeff bethke religion jesus grace mercy bible christian

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Recent uploads from Jeff & Alyssa

men, it's time to fight the shadows.
17 April 2024
Is online dating devastating to men?
2 August 2023
Why men are failing.
28 July 2023
How can men be properly initiated? See my channel for full video.
28 July 2023
Take BACK Your Family!
11 August 2021
To hell with the hustle
10 September 2019
You Are Your Habits! | interview w/ James Clear
5 December 2018
Shape technology, or it will SHAPE you | Real Life Podcast Episode 9
14 November 2018
The difference between single & married missions! | The Real Life Podcast
10 November 2018
Our Addiction To Hurry | John Mark Comer Interview
31 October 2018

Jeff & Alyssa Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Jeff & Alyssa have?
Jeff & Alyssa has 673.0K subscribers. Jeff & Alyssa has had 81.8M total views.
How many views does Jeff & Alyssa get per video?
Jeff & Alyssa gets 417.1K views per episode on average. Jeff & Alyssa has published 196 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Jeff & Alyssa YouTube channel?
You can visit the Jeff & Alyssa YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Jeff & Alyssa mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Jeff & Alyssa belong to?
Jeff & Alyssa belongs to the Nonprofits and Activism category, and the creators are from United States.

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