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  • Category: Gaming
  • Country: Australia

Welcome to iVoltex's channel! My mission is to share my passion of all things Marvel and DC Comics. My channel's main goal is to provide news and information on Marvel and DC Games alongside providing content revolving around Spider-Man, games specifically. My main focus is on the video game side of things, where I talk about Marvel's Spider-Man, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, create shorts content around Injustice 2, Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat 1 alongside other gaming related topics I may find interesting. Sponsorship enquiries: [email protected] I record my gameplay with Elgato HD60 Pro alongside Nvidia Geforce Experience. I use Adobe Premiere Pro for Video editing and The Elgato Wave 3 for my voice commentary. With every topic and video I cover and create, I provide my own input and use various video editing techniques to make sure my videos are 100% transformative, unique and informative. Subscribe if you're on board with this content.

Spider-Man Marvel Spider-Man Game Spider-Man Movie Spider-Man Avengers Game Marvel's Avengers Marvel's Spider-Man Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Iron Man Marvel's Wolverine

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iVoltex Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does iVoltex have?
iVoltex has 151.0K subscribers. iVoltex has had 106.6M total views.
How many views does iVoltex get per video?
iVoltex gets 124.2K views per episode on average. iVoltex has published 858 videos.
How can I subscribe to the iVoltex YouTube channel?
You can visit the iVoltex YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when iVoltex mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does iVoltex belong to?
iVoltex belongs to the Gaming category, and the creators are from Australia.

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