I'm From Driftwood collects and shares true LGBTQ stories from all over the world to help our youth feel not so alone. I’m From Driftwood envisions a world where every lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer person feels understood and accepted, and every straight person is an ally. I’m From Driftwood aims to help LGBTQ people learn more about their community, straight people learn more about their neighbors and everyone learn more about themselves through the power of storytelling and story sharing. Increasing empathy and empowering individuals is accomplished by creating an apolitical forum for LGBTQ stories from every age, race, gender, background and culture. The stories deepen our understanding of each other, preserve history, and open hearts and minds. The most personal and meaningful stories are shared when the storyteller is in a trust-worthy, welcoming, judgment-free environment.
“I just felt really free to be who I was going to be.”
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
“I suddenly felt like I could have a future that I wanted to live in.”
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
Hiding Who I Was Almost Broke Me
"For weeks, I had these debilitating panic attacks."
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
In college, Ben Conard envisioned a successful future - only being gay was not part of that equation. His struggle with his sexuality manifested itself in some unhealthy ways, both mentally and physically. Fortunately, a patient, affirming and loving sister helped ease him out of the closet, resulting in vastly improved mental health and a feeling of true freedom.
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
"That was just the final step in knowing that my parents had really accepted me for who I was and that it was real."
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
"My mom turned to me and said, "Well, do you feel like a boy?"
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
"I had just heard what being transgender meant and it was this epiphany moment of wow that's an exact description of how I feel."
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
From childhood, Ray felt drawn to presenting as male but tried to mask it as he grew older. When he learned what being transgender meant, however, it was like an epiphany that perfectly described his feelings. In a car ride with his mom, he nervously asked his mother for a boy’s haircut, marking the first step in acknowledging his true self. His family adapted, and while it took some time, they would eventually learn to call him Ray and use male pronouns. The defining moment came in a hospital when his mom referred to him as her son, a small but powerful confirmation that he was truly seen and accepted.
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
"You're shining my gay wife's boots. How 'bout that!"
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
"What you won’t do is disrespect my kids."
#lgbtq #lgbtqia
More first-person LGBTQIA+ stories: http://imfromdriftwood.com/
I'm From Driftwood on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imfromdriftwood/
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