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  • Category: Science and Technology
  • Country: Japan

We are publishing Japanese technology, craftsmanship, traditional technology and latest technology on movies! It is! I was newly converted to ikinamo from Diginfo. I want to disseminate Japanese technology and crafts to the world, I am disseminating it to the world in Japanese and English with such feelings. Hospitality services and IT will be added as well. Ikinamo is a coined word made by multiplying trendy and stylish Movie, but I will appeal Japanese stylish products and technology to the world through ikinamo.

technology tech tokyo japan news science research industry diginfo digitized

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Recent uploads from ikinamo

Japanese Convenient cleaning goods that adsorb dirt and dirt! Akapackn
2 December 2020
Traditional Japanese Dance, Instructor of Onoe School, Ms Onoe Satsuki
1 September 2020
Insole, a medical device which stimulates blood circulation and provides antimicrobial
30 July 2018
Solution for Improving the Fuel Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines
5 July 2018
Developed a portable solar water purifier, stores the electricity in lithium ion batteries.
17 February 2018
Enabling Location-independent Monitoring for the Elderly
8 February 2018
Latest: Introducing top-quality security box
21 July 2017
What if you could do a Pokki game with your favorite character?
19 April 2017
Diet with AR technology? Aim for elimination of obesity by manipulating food size
15 April 2017
Robot that makes okonomiyaki fully automatically #Okonomiyaki Robot
12 April 2017

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How many subscribers does ikinamo have?
ikinamo has 153.0K subscribers. ikinamo has had 158.7M total views.
How many views does ikinamo get per video?
ikinamo gets 47.8K views per episode on average. ikinamo has published 3.3K videos.
How can I subscribe to the ikinamo YouTube channel?
You can visit the ikinamo YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when ikinamo mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does ikinamo belong to?
ikinamo belongs to the Science and Technology category, and the creators are from Japan.

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