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Sign Upbearings are getting expensive, time to get bubbles to acquire currency. any job ideas?
Honestly. This needed to exist sooner! check the description for all the links!
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My name is Dayton and I'm an airsoft sniper from BC Canada. Ever since I started airsoft I've been addicted to the long range game. that's why I play as a sniper. I have some knowledge of CQB and urban play but if you see me out in the field, chances are I'm out there with my Tokyo Marui VSR10 and MK23.
sometimes it's best not to ask why, and just appreciate something exists
#airsoft #pewpew #bbfights #sidearm #3dprinting #innovation
Bubbles the airsoft robot V4 was disassembled, but before that he got a chance to prove his stuff! too bad I lost the footage until now!
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Contact me :D
- Instagram: @TheHouseGamers
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Our Video Game Channel: https://www.youtube.com/housegamersgaming
My name is Dayton and I'm an airsoft sniper from BC Canada. Ever since I started airsoft I've been addicted to the long range game. that's why I play as a sniper. I have some knowledge of CQB and urban play but if you see me out in the field, chances are I'm out there with my Tokyo Marui VSR10 and MK23.
0:00 Why are any of us here
1:30 The calm before the storm
2:12 The Battle
7:20 Some more testing
10:06 Thank you and stuff about my feelings
No description provided.
Bubbles the airsoft tank drone has tasted blood! let me know what you think of him, and check our links if you want to support the future development!
Clips Channel: https://housga.me/clips
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Contact me :D
- Instagram: @TheHouseGamers
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Our Video Game Channel: https://www.youtube.com/housegamersgaming
My name is Dayton and I'm an airsoft sniper from BC Canada. Ever since I started airsoft I've been addicted to the long range game. that's why I play as a sniper. I have some knowledge of CQB and urban play but if you see me out in the field, chances are I'm out there with my Tokyo Marui VSR10 and MK23.
bubbles is one year old! happy bday!!!!
#airsoft #drone #robot #battlebot
The official first test of Bubbles Mk5! he dies :o
My Gear: https://housga.me/mygear
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Discord: https://housga.me/discord
Contact me :D
- Instagram: @TheHouseGamers
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HouseGamers/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehousegamers
Our Video Game Channel: https://www.youtube.com/housegamersgaming
My name is Dayton and I'm an airsoft sniper from BC Canada. Ever since I started airsoft I've been addicted to the long range game. that's why I play as a sniper. I have some knowledge of CQB and urban play but if you see me out in the field, chances are I'm out there with my Tokyo Marui VSR10 and MK23.
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