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Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey
  • Category: Travel and Events
  • Country: Canada

Hello friends and welcome to our travel channel "Travel Guide with Samuel and Audrey". In this channel we will share tourist guides, travel tips, and typical foods to try. As long-term travelers we understand the questions travelers have before arriving at a new destination: What to do? What to eat? What to visit? What to see? With these tourist guides we want to answer these questions and suggest attractions that are worth visiting, typical meals to try, and tourism tips to help them plan their travel itinerary. We are Samuel and Audrey. We are Canadian vloggers but we met in South Korea and have been traveling together since 2013. We have a YouTube channel in English where we share our travel videos around the world, but after several orders, we have also decided to make videos in Spanish. I, Audrey, I am Spanish speaking and Samuel is learning Spanish a little.

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Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey have?
Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey has 381.0K subscribers. Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey has had 97.4M total views.
How many views does Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey get per video?
Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey gets 163.8K views per episode on average. Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey has published 595 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey YouTube channel?
You can visit the Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey belong to?
Travel Guides with Samuel and Audrey belongs to the Travel and Events category, and the creators are from Canada.

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