Scottie Barnes & Jack Armstrong give us the play-by-play as a group of Raptors fans have a night out and decide to snap a few pics. We’ve all been there, you snap a couple selfies, and someone in the group is looking away. But thanks to a clutch performance by the Google Pixel 8 with Best Take - a face editing software - the pic is an easy win.
Scottie Barnes & Jack Armstrong are back at it commentating as a group of friends snap a photo while out on a hike. Will garbage spoil the moment? Or will it be another clutch victory for the Google Pixel 8? Will the camera’s AI enabled Magic Eraser feature make a game-saving block? Let’s find out.
Jack Armstrong & Scottie Barnes are backyardside with the play-by-play as we witness a Raptors fan stuck at her coworkers dog’s birthday party. With full hands and the birthday boy on her lap, will she respond to a late breaking text inviting her to tonight’s Raptors game? Will Google Assistant deliver a much needed win? Spoiler alert: yes and yes.
Jack Armstrong & Scottie Barnes team up to give the play-by-play as mom attempts to capture her baby’s first words with the Google Pixel 8. Background noises have historically had the upper hand in this kind of contest, but thanks to the new Audio Magic Eraser on the Google Pixel, this match up favours mom.
Today, the Google Doodle on the Search homepage in Canada honours Violet King Henry (1929-1982), the first Black woman lawyer in Canada.
King once noted in a speech given soon after being called to the Canadian BAR that some people discouraged her from pursuing a law career. She said “People told me it wasn’t a good idea for a girl to be a lawyer, particularly a coloured girl… so I went ahead.” - Violet King, May 5, 1956. And in “going ahead” she proved them wrong by breaking glass ceilings and inspiring women of colour everywhere to pursue their dreams, even when met with resistance.
Happy birthday, Violet King Henry, thank you for breaking down gender and racial barriers throughout your impressive career!
Learn more: https://www.google.com/doodles/violet-king-henrys-94th-birthday
Aujourd'hui, le Google Doodle sur la page d'accueil de la recherche au Canada rend hommage à Violet King Henry (1929-1982), la première femme noire avocate au Canada.
Dans un discours prononcé peu après son admission au barreau canadien, King a fait remarquer que certaines personnes l'avaient découragée de poursuivre une carrière d'avocate. Elle a déclaré : « Les gens m'ont dit que ce n'était pas une bonne idée pour une fille de devenir avocate, en particulier une fille de couleur... mais j'ai continué. » - Violet King, 5 mai 1956. Et en « allant de l'avant », elle leur a prouvé qu'ils avaient tort en brisant les plafonds de verre et en inspirant les femmes de couleur du monde entier à poursuivre leurs rêves, même lorsqu'elles se heurtent à des résistances.
Joyeux anniversaire, Violet King Henry, merci d'avoir brisé les barrières de genre et de race tout au long de votre impressionnante carrière !
En savoir plus: https://www.google.com/doodles/violet-king-henrys-94th-birthday?hl=fr
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