Welcome to Genevieve’s Playhouse where we create all kinds of educational videos for kids and toddlers using toy based learning. Come along as Genevieve plays with characters from Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig, while learning counting numbers, basic words, and storytelling skills. Our video formats span from vlogs, skits, animations, and experiments. Videos are offered in English, Spanish, Hindi, and Vietnamese. Genevieve's Playhouse is a safe, and kid-friendly channel that parents can trust to provide educational content for their little ones.
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Sign UpAventura de bloques magnéticos de Minecraft para niños, parte 1 =). En el video de aprendizaje de juguetes para niños de hoy, nos sumergiremos en el mundo de Minecraft con los bloques magnéticos PixelCube de Minecraft de BrainSpark. Steve llegó misteriosamente a la orilla sin recordar cómo llegó allí. Por suerte, Alex está allí para enseñarle sobre Minecraft y mostrarle cómo desenvolverse en este mundo inusual. ¡Asegúrate de quedarte para cuando llegue la segunda parte final! =)
Let's make a Hamburger! Toy Learning Video for Kids with Genevieve's Toy Plushies! In today's toy learning video for kids, we've got an appetite for a hamburger, but our clumsy friend Moose has an accident! Can Genevieve and her plushie friends help us match all of the different shapes to restore our hamburger? This colorful toy learning video is great for learning shapes, colors, teamwork and more!
Лучшие обучающие видео для детей - Щенячий патруль, лодки, водные игры! Дети, давайте весело проведем время, играя с Щенячьим патрулем в воде с нашим игровым набором Aquaplay! Это обучающее обучающее видео с игрушками - это всплеск веселья с красочными щенками Щенячьего патруля в соответствующих по цвету лодках. Щенки будут плавать, нырять, плескаться и веселиться, играя вместе на этом мокром и диком игровом наборе для детей и малышей!
El mejor video de aprendizaje con juguetes para niños pequeños y niños pequeños: ¡aprenda los colores y a contar en el jardín! La primavera ya está aquí, así que plantemos semillas en nuestro jardín. Los niños se divertirán aprendiendo los colores y a contar, mientras nuestro jardín comienza a crecer. Ahora que la primavera está aquí, los pájaros querrán alimentar a sus crías con lombrices, y necesitaremos recolectar las verduras de nuestro jardín. Clasificaremos nuestras zanahorias de la más pequeña a la más grande e incluso iremos a pescar peces de colores en el estanque. Los niños pequeños se divertirán mucho en familia con estos juguetes brillantes y educativos.
Watch the Full epic video here! https://youtu.be/i6I_o_oOfv0
Лучшее обучающее видео для малышей. Изучаем цвета с помощью сюрпризов из мелков! В этом обучающем видео для дошкольников научите детей цветам, общим словам и простым предложениям с помощью этого обучающего видео для малышей и младенцев. Мы откроем каждый из наших разноцветных мелков, чтобы найти в каждом из них три игрушечных сюрприза. Это обучающее видео с игрушками для малышей — отличный, красочный способ научить детей простым словам, концепциям и распознавать цвета!
From our epic Minecraft Adventure video! Watch the full video here:
One Hour of the Best Toy Learning Videos for Toddlers! Some of our best educational toy videos for toddlers, babies, and kids! =)
0:00 - Colorful Bees with Surprises
10:54 - Pororo Music Table, Toy Piano, and Jungle Beans Marble Maze
19:20 - Help Cookie Monster find his missing numbers!
29:52 - Crack Some Eggs and Make a Birthday Cake
39:53 - Kitchen Meals for our visiting friends
51:13 - Learn English and Spanish words with Painted Cars
You can buy some of the great toys featured in our videos here:
Subscribe to Genevieve's Playhouse Here:
Check out our international channels!
Joue avec Geneviève (French) - https://www.youtube.com/@Joue-avec-Genevieve/videos
Brinquedoteca da Geni (Portuguese) - https://www.youtube.com/@Brinquedoteca-da-Geni
Genevieve's Playhouse (Hindi) - youtube.com/channel/UCJhSN5ic1QXn1doXzdiiCGQ
Play these other learning videos for kids!
Giant 1 Hour Long Paw Patrol Learning Videos: https://youtu.be/1tX2cyvMzX4
Educational Toy Car Videos for Kids: https://youtu.be/XN8k8ZkJwiQ
PJ Masks Toy Car Race: https://youtu.be/k0Twsb22Ld4
Genevieve Teaches Numbers with Cookie Monster: https://youtu.be/_X78XfQkLk0
Learn Words with Pororo the Little Penguin Toy House: https://youtu.be/G-zIQqBE-Jg
Laguna Blue and Pinkie Pie are Hungry: https://youtu.be/oCbegRDxgak
Learn Colors w/ Paw Patrol Underwater Rescue Mission: https://youtu.be/RhrKJvAKsGQ
Peppa Pig gets a NEW House! https://youtu.be/OoMONAVtcDw
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This is the complete video for our Minecraft Magnet Block toy learning video. It contains both parts 1 and 2 of our series =)
You can buy some of the great toys featured in our videos here:
Subscribe to Genevieve's Playhouse Here:
Check out our international channels!
Joue avec Geneviève (French) - https://www.youtube.com/@Joue-avec-Genevieve/videos
Brinquedoteca da Geni (Portuguese) - https://www.youtube.com/@Brinquedoteca-da-Geni
Genevieve's Playhouse (Hindi) - youtube.com/channel/UCJhSN5ic1QXn1doXzdiiCGQ
Play these other learning videos for kids!
Giant 1 Hour Long Paw Patrol Learning Videos: https://youtu.be/1tX2cyvMzX4
Educational Toy Car Videos for Kids: https://youtu.be/XN8k8ZkJwiQ
PJ Masks Toy Car Race: https://youtu.be/k0Twsb22Ld4
Genevieve Teaches Numbers with Cookie Monster: https://youtu.be/_X78XfQkLk0
Learn Words with Pororo the Little Penguin Toy House: https://youtu.be/G-zIQqBE-Jg
Laguna Blue and Pinkie Pie are Hungry: https://youtu.be/oCbegRDxgak
Learn Colors w/ Paw Patrol Underwater Rescue Mission: https://youtu.be/RhrKJvAKsGQ
Peppa Pig gets a NEW House! https://youtu.be/OoMONAVtcDw
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Minecraft Magnetic Block Adventure for Kids, Part 2 =). In today's fun, learning video for kids, we have the stunning conclusion to our Minecraft Magnetic Block Adventure! Steve finally has his memories back and realizes his cat, Mr. Fuzzypants is in danger. Can Alex and Steve work together to defeat the warden and rescue Mr. Fuzzypants? Tune in to find out in this funny, kid-friendly toy video! ;-3
You can watch Part 1 here: https://youtu.be/pWsHAO_oF3g
You can buy some of the great toys featured in our videos here:
Subscribe to Genevieve's Playhouse Here:
Check out our international channels!
Joue avec Geneviève (French) - https://www.youtube.com/@Joue-avec-Genevieve/videos
Brinquedoteca da Geni (Portuguese) - https://www.youtube.com/@Brinquedoteca-da-Geni
Genevieve's Playhouse (Hindi) - youtube.com/channel/UCJhSN5ic1QXn1doXzdiiCGQ
Play these other learning videos for kids!
Giant 1 Hour Long Paw Patrol Learning Videos: https://youtu.be/1tX2cyvMzX4
Educational Toy Car Videos for Kids: https://youtu.be/XN8k8ZkJwiQ
PJ Masks Toy Car Race: https://youtu.be/k0Twsb22Ld4
Genevieve Teaches Numbers with Cookie Monster: https://youtu.be/_X78XfQkLk0
Learn Words with Pororo the Little Penguin Toy House: https://youtu.be/G-zIQqBE-Jg
Laguna Blue and Pinkie Pie are Hungry: https://youtu.be/oCbegRDxgak
Learn Colors w/ Paw Patrol Underwater Rescue Mission: https://youtu.be/RhrKJvAKsGQ
Peppa Pig gets a NEW House! https://youtu.be/OoMONAVtcDw
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