Great blue heron catches goldfish as cockatoo watches thru window. FYV FrontYardVideo Tanimbar corella (Cacatua goffiniana)
You've Got Mail! Cement lighthouse mailbox slammed by a car backing up. FYV FrontYardVideo
Baby Sandhill Crane fed by Mom and Dad and explores the new world. FYV FrontYardVideo
Monarch Butterfly pops out of chrysalis and shows proboscis whip-like close up. Tries to wake up other pupa hanging on blue ball. FYV FrontYardVideo
Great Blue Heron Eats Duckling and another tries hunting in a tiny goldfish pond but gets scared off with a blast of water from motion sensor sprinkler FYV FrontYardVideo
Rat Cave unloads big momma rat and babies as doves and blackbird compete for scraps of food until the Cat comes around. FYV FrontYardVideo
Baby Birds Feeding, Pooping, Pushed Out Nest. Carolina Wrens Evicted. FYV FrontYardVideo
Rats Squirrel Smackdown. Watch baby rats chase squirrel as squirrel plays back. The action is intense and scary! Cheer on your favorite rats (or the squirrel) FYV FrontYardVideo
African Grey Parrot "Doc" or (African Gray) speaks dozens of words and sounds since hatching in 1998. A few of the many are played in this video. Last clip "See ya later" was dubbed from a previous audio recording of Doc. Check out the wide selection of products offered through YouTube Shopping by clicking on the shop button in the lower left corner of the video. FYV FrontYardVideo #africangrey #africangreylover #africangrayparrot #talkingparrot #talkingbirds
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