I set dominoes up, you watch them fall...subscribe for more! I am an individual domino builder (domino artist) from Winnipeg, Canada. Since I do not follow a strict regular upload schedule, please enable notifications when subscribing to ensure you see when I upload new videos! Follow me on social media too for updates/previews of what I am currently working on, and other domino related mentions... My official social media accounts are: ♢ http://facebook.com/flippycat ♢ http://twitter.com/flippycat ♢ http://instagram.com/theflippycat/ ♢ http://tiktok.com @theflippycat I also have a second channel you may also be interested in: http://youtube.com/moreflippycat Flippy was the name of my cat, he passed in 2010. He appeared in many of my older videos together with the dominoes. You may have seen him in a popular viral video "How to wrap a cat for Christmas' that spreads around during the holidays. Thank you for watching!
Happy New Year!
Where are you celebrating the new year?
Micro mini dominoes section took 1h36m to setup just over 430 dominoes
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Music by French Fuse - 'Straight Fuse' via YouTube Audio Library
#H5dominocommunity #FlippyCat #Dominoes #Art
Merry Christmas!
If you have a tree, how long do you keep it for?
Splitting pyramids concept was created by @B16Dominoes
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FOR MORE #flippycat #domino DOMINO VIDEOS:
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
Best of - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDD595FE171DC9FDD
A fun collection of some NEW and some old clips using H5 Domino Creations sets and their accessories.
This screenlink is split into 3 sections. Starting with the first H5DC introduction sets (blue,white,yellow,red), then moving to the neon colour sets (blue, orange, pink, green), and then finally a combination of both set colours.
The scenes for the individual sets were made for @Hevesh5's collab videos for each set, which you may have already seen. If not, you can watch them here:
Two newer techniques I've used in this video include a pyramid where the dominoes sort of slide down the edge, and @B16Dominoes's splitting towers. I did a lot of experiments with splitting towers, so there are several versions in this video. I first seen the beginnings of the sliding pyramid technique in a video by tsd_flips (with only a couple layers) and was reminded of it when AlyenMino shared their own single layer version in the domino & machine community discord. It also works as a wall! I think this is a new technique, if you've seen this by anyone else, please let me know.
Oh no, our table, it's broken!
Main section:
Music by @peyruismusic @Peyruis - 'Swing' : https://www.youtube.com/c/Peyruismusic
Extras section:
Music by VidKid - 'The Empty Moons of Jupiter' via YouTube Audio Library
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Channel - https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
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0:00 Start
0:08 First sets (blue, red, white, yellow)
1:30 Neon sets (orange, blue, green, pink)
2:08 Combining both sets
3:04 Extras...(mostly slow motion)
Thanks to Spin Master for providing some of the sets I used to create these with.
#H5dominocommunity #H5DominoCreations #Dominoes #Art
Thank you for watching this #domino collaboration put together by Klein24, with me and @B16Dominoes. Klein24 began this project at the beginning of this year, and we hope you found it satisfying! We would appreciate your thumbs up and comments letting us know you liked it!
Subscribe to the domino artists in this collab:
Klein24: https://www.youtube.com/c/klein24
Flippycat: https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
An early theme for this project was cool tricks with cool colours. For my scenes in the Phenomenal Domino Screenlink I represented a different shape in each setup. Triangles, square, circle and a star.
For the shooting star I wanted to use Bulk Dominoes BD 5000 launcher accessories to throw streamers across the room somehow, but I couldn't come up with an idea I liked. After I decided I would have a shapes theme to work with, I seen a shooting star shape and thought using the ribbons as the tail of a shooting start would be a great visual effect. At the time I had also been making some screenlink clips with the new H5 Domino Creations Neon set from Hevesh5 (#h5dominocommunity), and wanted to incorporate the cool colour combo into this setup. This is probably my favourite of my scenes.
For the 'circle' scene, I used a new technique by BlockParty! called the Spinal Tower (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrkTIPKj1b0). With a spinal tower, the towers tip over, but hold together more than a regular tower structure would, sending more dominoes further away from the tower's base. I thought this would be a good way to fill in the center of an empty circle, and think it worked well? Some block heads familiar with this domino trick might notice I modified the Spinal Tower in my setup so I could trigger the towers from the inside instead of the original.
In the 'triangles' scene I wanted to make use of the mini transparent dominoes paired with a matching or close solid colour. This was heavily inspired by a cool rainbow domino colour combination I had seen DakSen The Fox use with regular sized transparent dominoes (see: https://youtu.be/_XLjst5VJl4?t=34). I got lucky and was able to make a very clean edit on the continuing line where the purple 2d domino pyramid broke through.
The 'square' crossover field started out as an experiment with the line crossover trick. The initial concept was to decrease the dominoes between each intersection over multiple scenes. Each scene would get more dense with fewer dominoes between each crossover. The giant 2x2 spaced field I started with looked pretty amazing on it's own, so only this scene was included to represent a square. Getting this technique to work reliably in a dense grid with only 2 dominoes between each crossover in both directions was a challenge and involved hours of trial and error effort. You might spot a small edit here, but the fall was a success.
To wrap things up, 'THE END' clip was designed to match the 'START' scene, using the same line colour, and pattern as the first scene Klein24 created. Did you notice the colour and pattern connection?
🔸 0:00 - Introduction
🔸 0:14 - Klein24
🔸 1:19 - B 16 Dominoes
🔸 2:23 - FlippyCat
🔸 3:03 - Closing
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Track: Elektronomia & RUD - Memory [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/EnuGdwI0W1g
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Memory
This is an unofficial world record (Feb. 2021) for the most mini dominoes setup in a single chain reaction.
I setup 9,196 mini dominoes total. Unfortunately a section with 608 dominoes didn't fall, so the total toppled is only 8,588 mini dominoes.
Some history of this record:
1,114 - Domino Day 2008 (Field)
1,585 - May 2012 - TimDomino (mostly single line)
2,000 - July 2013 - Sinners Domino Entertainment (Guinness World Record)
2,491 - Jan 2021 - Sinners Domino Entertainment (Guinness World Record)
2,938 - Nov 2017 - Dale Atwood
3,210 - Sept 2020 - Wdomino (Guinness World Record) (also the largest mini domino field)
I did a long straight line test, and yellow does fall slower than the others (blue at least).
I spread the setup over about 10 days, some days not working on it at all.
Thanks to Bulk Dominoes for providing the mini 'micro' dominoes used to create this.
Firebrand by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100830
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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► Best of - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDD595FE171DC9FDD
Happy new year!
If you missed my goodbye to 2020 video then you need to watch it:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTW_DoKGli0
Take a look back at my past New Year videos:
► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU1ply59p5rt9fA7V12igPwLRKIGJwq8N
► Instagram - http://instagram.com/theflippycat
► Twitter - http://twitter.com/flippycat
► Facebook - http://facebook.com/flippycat
► Channel - https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
► Best of - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDD595FE171DC9FDD
Music in this video:
Stairway - Patrick Patrikios (via YouTube Audio Library)
For new years I wanted to represent 2021 somehow that showed 20 and 21 being sequential. I was thinking of having a complete circle that wrapped around instead, but didn't want that part to be revealed right away, so I came up with this. This was shot in 3 segments. The count down was setup and knocked down before the rest was setup, and the final 21 was present from the start, but was toppled separately so I could change camera angles and use fewer cameras. One of the confetti/fireworks launchers appears like it didn't trigger, but it did. The dominoes inside the launcher jammed. This was a last minute project built entirely on New Years eve, so the design/layout was rushed and feels a bit sloppy to me. FAILS: The 19 looks like it's edited, but it did fall that way, however the 15 came to complete stop :(
Did you have a great year? Or do you want to shred up 2020 and burn it?
If you enjoyed this 2020 farewell please give this video a thumbs up!
This is a spin-off project I made at the same time I made my last video shredding a top secret document.
The domino field shredding scene is not created through editing, but by recording the setup from above.
The dominoes going through the shredder are actually being fed into the shredder and sliding down into the catch bin.
For a better view of how the domino shredder works watch the extras in my related video:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjuGhfFUFWA
The pattern I used is based on my 2020 Happy New Year video, if you haven't seen it check it out here:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc3vTUFAPnU
I also wanted to try posting a YouTube #Shorts video...so I put this together as a vertical video.
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► Channel - https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
► Best of - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDD595FE171DC9FDD
Holly Dazed - RKVC (YouTube Audio Library)
How to dispose dominoes after knocking them down...
Please give this one a thumbs up and leave a comment if you liked it!
This field took about 3 hours to setup. The other part took much longer, lol.
Also find me on:
Instagram - https://instagram.com/theflippycat
Twitter - https://twitter.com/flippycat
Facebook - https://facebook.com/flippycat
TikTok - @theflippycat
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/flippycat
Best of - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDD595FE171DC9FDD
Music: Synergy by Geographer (via YouTube audio library)
#flippycat #domino
A little spooky optical illusion for Halloween with over 12,000 dominoes!
The dominoes appear as different colours if the colours beside them are changed.
Music: Skeleton Dance - Myuu (via YouTube audio library)
I found this optical illusion compared to or called several other names.
If you're interested here is more info:
The Bezold Effect
Simultaneous Color Contrast:
The Bezold Effect vs. Simultaneous Color Contrast:
Munker/White/Bezold illusions:
The skulls example you may have seen before that I use in this project:
#flippycat #domino #opticalillusion
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