Since 2011, Elliot Tebele has captivated audiences around the world with his sense of humor. The iconic brand Fuckjerry was originally exclusive to Tumblr, but quickly became even more popular once it made its appearance on Instagram. Today, Fjerry is a multi-platform comedy entertainment brand that curates hilarious, relatable content that’s impossible not to share. Elliot and his team have amplified Fuckjerry’s success over the course of the last decade, creating a network of Instagram accounts that now have a combined following of over 40 million users. Some associated accounts include: @BeigeCardigan and @DudeWithSign. Fuckjerry has received several awards under Elliot’s direction, most notably, the 2019 Shorty Industry Award for Best Use of Native Advertising. The Fuckjerry brand also includes the “What Do You Meme?” card game universe and JAJA Tequila. Fuckjerry works to amplify diverse voices and unite creators with consumers. All content is owned or licensed.
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