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Ever wondered the difference between calisthenics and bodyweight workouts? This will help simplify it! Come join me for day 3 for a Bodyweight Barre Cardio Core workout that’s both aerobic with constant opportunity to gain strength. https://gofb.info/BarreBuildwithEricaDay3
#bodyweightworkout #calisthenicstraining #workoutchallenge
Combining traditional strength training with barre training was not chosen at random for the latest 10-day challenge. These two training types complement one another well for a number of reasons! Days 1& 2 will give you a great taste of each of these for the lower and upper body. https://gofb.info/BarreBuildwithEricaDay2
A reminder that if you’re completely new to barre training, I highly recommend completing the 5-day Barre Basics Series prior to starting this 10-day challenge so you can get the most out of it!
#barretraining #strengthtraining #workoutchallenge
The Barre and Strength Training Fusion Challenge starts to go live… Today! Check out these additional details on challenge length and commitment, difficulty, equipment, and more. Who’s starting today or sometime this week? https://gofb.info/BarreBuildwithEricaDay1
#barreworkout #workoutchallenge #strengthtraining
Learn more about this Strength Barre Finisher workout @ https://gofb.info/BarreBuildwithEricaDay1
Join the full 10-Day Barre and Build with Erica Challenge @ https://gofb.info/BarreBuildwithErica
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10 Day FB Remixed with Tasha, Brian and Kayla @ https://gofb.info/FBRemixed
10 Day Strength and Cardio with Brian @ https://gofb.info/StrengthCardiowithBrian
10 Day Powerful with Tasha @ https://gofb.info/PowerfulwithTasha
10 Day Functionally Fit with Nicole @ https://gofb.info/FunctionallyFitwithNicole
10 Day Beyond the Build with Brian @ https://gofb.info/BuildwithBrian
10 Day Feel Stronger with Erica @ https://gofb.info/FeelStrongerwithEricaV
10 Day Challenge Build with Tasha @ https://gofb.info/BuildwithTashaV
10 Day Transform with Erica @ https://gofb.info/TransformWithErica
5 Day Mobility Moments with Kayla @ https://gofb.info/MobilitywithKayla
5 Day Pilates with Amanda @ https://gofb.info/PilateswithAmanda
5 Day Essentials with Erica @ https://gofb.info/Essentials
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5 Day Barre Basics with Erica @ https://gofb.info/BarreBasics
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5 Day Stronger with Brian @ https://gofb.info/StrongerwithBrianB
5 Day Foundations with Nicole @ https://gofb.info/FoundationswithNicole
5 Day Foundations with Nicole @ https://gofb.info/FoundationswithNicole
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Pass on the crunches and focus on developing your deep core muscles through core stability exercises in my latest No “Crunches” Core workout! https://gofb.info/NoCrunchesCore
✅ Bored easily
✅ Under 25 minutes
✅ Greater core control
What workouts do you default to that are guaranteed to always make you feel good?
#corestability #corework #deepcore
Here is a quick form review on the Sidekick. Throw some kicks with me in my latest kickboxing workout! https://gofb.info/CardioKickboxingUpperStrength
#formreview #fitnesstips #cardiokickboxing #upperbodystrengthtraining
We’ve heard your requests for more barre to show up in a program since the Barre Basics Series… keep your eyes peeled for a new 10-day challenge coming very soon! 👀 Here are some preliminary details. Who’s interested?! Drop an emoji below.
#10daychallenge #barreworkout #strengthtrainingathome
Hey Folks, it’s Tasha! Be sure to watch my short for some helpful advice on selecting weights for this workout. If you had fun with it, drop an emoji in the comments! See you on the screen soon! https://gofb.info/WeightedHIITCircuits
#fitnesstips #weightliftingtips #hiitworkouts #workouttips
Catch a glimpse of my outtakes, and be sure to follow the link to try my new workout! https://gofb.info/UpperPowerStrength
#bloopers #outtakes #shorts #bloopersreel
Hey folks, it’s Tasha! Watch my short for details on how to split the cardio and strength segments in my new Total Body Half Strength & Half Cardio Circuits workout. However you choose to approach this workout, I hope you enjoy it! I will see you on the screen very soon. https://gofb.info/HalfStrengthHalfCardio
#strengthtraining #strengthandcardio #fullbodyworkout #fullbodycardio
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