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Fabiosa Best Lifehacks
  • Category: How to and Style
  • Country: United States

If you love DIY life hacks ✂ and enjoy making things with your own hands✋, this channel is for you! We are constantly testing and trying out “do it yourself” tricks and home hacks to make the life of our viewers easier and more fun😉. We have travel hacks✈, food hacks, DIY crafts, beauty tutorials💆‍♀, clothing hacks, homemade recipes🍰, girls hacks, and so much more. Easy life hacks are something we are very good at and we want to teach you everything we know🤓. So if you want to find out how to make things you’d usually spend loads of money on💸, how to organize your space and decorate it like a pro 😎 and how to create crafts your friends will be jealous of😏, then join our family and subscribe to our channel. ©️ 2016-2023, Fabiosa Media. All rights reserved.

diy life hacks beauty tutorial homemade how to make clothing hacks girls hacks do it yourself home hacks

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Fabiosa Best Lifehacks has 21.9M subscribers. Fabiosa Best Lifehacks has had 14.9B total views.
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Fabiosa Best Lifehacks gets 6.3M views per episode on average. Fabiosa Best Lifehacks has published 2.4K videos.
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What categories does Fabiosa Best Lifehacks belong to?
Fabiosa Best Lifehacks belongs to the How to and Style category, and the creators are from United States.

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