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  • Category: Gaming
  • Country: Ireland

Challenges & Guides for Destiny 2 / Soulsborne & Soulslikes / Remnant / New Releases / Shooters, Looters & More! I like to create honest, straight to the point videos & guides with no extra filler, intros, clickbait or pointless commentary. I focus on giving the exact information needed and nothing more, coupled with helpful descriptions for those who prefer reading instead of videos. While Destiny 2 is the main content I post, I like to delve into other games that I'm passionate about and share my challenges, opinions, guides, gameplay and thoughts on those. Business email is listed below, and I'm open to covering any new releases in the categories listed above via posting gameplay, or early access to review. So feel free to contact me about that. I'm not interested in promotions or sponsorships, nor product reviews, as it would interfere with the simple format I aim to uphold. I'm also not interested in joining other YT partnerships, channel or brand managements either.

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How many subscribers does Esoterickk have?
Esoterickk has 489.0K subscribers. Esoterickk has had 249.6M total views.
How many views does Esoterickk get per video?
Esoterickk gets 48.2K views per episode on average. Esoterickk has published 5.2K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Esoterickk YouTube channel?
You can visit the Esoterickk YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Esoterickk mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Esoterickk belong to?
Esoterickk belongs to the Gaming category, and the creators are from Ireland.

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