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Dylan Leonte
  • Category: Gaming
  • Country: United States

This channel showcases grandpa playing BeamNG, Forza Horizon 5 and GTA 5. Dylan Leonte is a metalcore singer from the band Dylan 'N' Alice. He worked with Beyoncé’s father, Mathew Knowles and has toured around the world performing for over 80,000 fans in Europe. Dylan Leonte is also a former Nelkboys prank member in viral videos like “Coke prank on cops.” He eventually started doing prank videos in an old man mask as a duo with Topper Guild. He then pivoted from pranks to gaming and that’s when his gaming career really kicked off. Dylan launched an Esports team who competes in Call of Duty challengers called @rawcreationsgaming Later this year he will be premiering his TV show on EMT Media on Cable TV, Roku, and Amazon fire TV later this year titled: Life with Dylan Tik Tok: @realbadgrandpa IG: @dylanleonte Esports team: @rawcreationsgaming

RAD Gaming Gaming Forza Horizon forza horizon logitech steering wheel gameplay BeamNG Drive Beamng

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Dylan Leonte Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Dylan Leonte have?
Dylan Leonte has 5.7M subscribers. Dylan Leonte has had 1.4B total views.
How many views does Dylan Leonte get per video?
Dylan Leonte gets 4.4M views per episode on average. Dylan Leonte has published 311 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Dylan Leonte YouTube channel?
You can visit the Dylan Leonte YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Dylan Leonte mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Dylan Leonte belong to?
Dylan Leonte belongs to the Gaming category, and the creators are from United States.

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