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The Dream Team moved in together and you guys have been asking for a house tour ever since. We scanned our entire house into Minecraft to give the most unique house tour on YouTube! Even the air vents! Subscribe for more :)
Download the mod: https://modrinth.com/mod/blockprintr
BlockPrintr Mod Tutorial: https://youtu.be/m8cF4Uo2tRE
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Extended House Tour: https://youtu.be/_3jg5l1ccRg
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
The Dream Team moved in together almost 3 years ago, and you guys have asked for a house tour ever since. I'm a Minecraft channel though, so of course we had to make it unique.
We coded a mod that makes it so you can scan things from real life into Minecraft. Of course the first thing we did with this mod was scan our ENTIRE HOUSE into Minecraft! We did this on Minecraft 1.21.4, but it's possible on basically any version! 1.8, 1.20, etc. The mod is called BlockPrintr.
This video is a mix of IRL vlog style content, and in game Minecraft content. Both showing off the house. We toured Sapnap's office and room, George's office and room, and the rest of the house!
Thank you guys for all of the love and support! Lots more cool stuff to come, another Titan Minecraft Manhunt is hopefully the next video! Comment down below ideas :)
I'm Sorry (but not to TommyInnit). This is actually a serious video.
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
I didn't want to make this video, but felt like I had to. Anyway, back to coding.
20 YouTubers VS Titan (In My Real Life House)... the map was literally our house. This was one of my most insane videos. Oh, and by the way, for this video the titan is my DAD!
VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep (50% off until January 6th) - https://www.beyondsleeptech.com/ (there’s SPEAKERS in the MATTRESS!)
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Thank you to everyone who participated in this! It was a lot of fun.
This took a long time to make! Thanks to @awesamdude for helping code the objects system for all the cool doors and appliances and stuff! Hopefully we will do more like this in the future.
In order to make this map, we first scanned our house and converted it into the closest Minecraft blocks, then we touched it up by building in more detail in order to get a perfect to scale map, but still have it look nice and capture the smaller objects.
Here's how the game works:
All players have an hour to hide from the TITAN, anybody left alive after an hour enters a death match until there is only one YouTuber standing.
Everyone has a few special items to help them navigate the map, like a ladder to climb, and fishing rod to pull other players up. There's a special sabotage sword!
Thanks to my dad for being in the video!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
I Coded My Friend Into Minecraft... (to speedrun) like, he can actually play the game in real life. So we try and beat it!
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Merch: https://dream.shop/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
There were tons of changes and improvements to the real-life-video-game fusion process, as you can probably tell by watching this video. I want to talk about it more in the future, maybe with a DreamXD video. There were tons of bugs in this video, and this recording took forever, so we decided to fix a lot of the bugs and record another one on George's channel, which should also be up now! In that video we added a health bar above their head, fixed a lot of issues including with vehicles, and overall made it cleaner.
If you have any suggestions for features, or any cool ideas for videos using this, let us know! We definitely plan on doing a good mix of videos with and without this tech. This was a ton of fun though, and was such an interesting way to experience Minecraft.
This is a Minecraft 1.20/1.21 challenge. This is not a Minecraft Manhunt video, but it is a Minecraft survival challenge, like "Minecraft, But". We use "Fusion", our real life technology, with some coding magic, to put real life people into video games. They can be seen in 3D in the world, and can interact with things using their hands, feet, and every part of their body. It's hilarious, a ton of fun, and the perfect way to merge real life and Minecraft. They can PVP, build, break, and survive!
We've spent a ton of time and effort on this project, so drop a like and subscribe if you want to show support :)
2 Minecraft Speedrunners VS TITAN. You asked for it. The return of Minecraft Manhunt, George & Dream VS a real life Titan
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dream
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Merch: https://www.dream.shop
All video music is custom scored and produced by Dream & PmBata.
We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt 2: TITAN TAKEDOWN. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is a massive, near invincible TITAN, being controlled by a real life human projected into the game using our custom fusion technology, instead of multiple hunters. This is the toughest challenge I have faced yet. GeorgeNotFound and I are on a team of 2, and are trying to speedrun and beat the game.
This is a new Minecraft but, 1.21 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my anonymous friend tries everything he can to stop me. This is all custom coded by us.
If this video somehow gets 1,000,000 likes we'll announce the date of the next episode early.
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin
#MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhunt2
Minecraft Speedrunner VS TITAN. You asked for it. The return of Minecraft Manhunt, for a season 2. This is the first episode of many.
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dream
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Merch: https://www.dream.shop
We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt 2: TITAN TAKEDOWN. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is a massive, near invincible TITAN, being controlled by a real life human projected into the game using our custom fusion technology, instead of multiple hunters. This is the toughest challenge I have faced yet. I'm excited to see how this goes over the coming months.
This is a new Minecraft but, 1.21 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my anonymous friend tries everything he can to stop me. This is all custom coded by us.
The TITAN theme music is custom scored by Dream & PmBata. Will hopefully be custom sound tracking all the future videos so anyone can feel free to react! (this has two non-custom songs in it, but not during the hunt)
If this video somehow gets 1,000,000 likes we'll announce the date of the next episode early.
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin
#MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhunt2
I added humans to Minecraft... it took a year. This was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm sure I'll look back on it fondly in the future.
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
George: https://www.youtube.com/GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: https://www.youtube.com/Sapnap
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
Thank you guys so much for all the support throughout the years. It was the 5th year anniversary of "Dream" recently, and I am so appreciative for all of your support. Thank you to Youtube for all of the support, and for allowing me to live out my dreams.
I'm calling this project "Fusion", game fusion, minecraft fusion, real life fusion, just fusion really. We fused real life and Minecraft, and hopefully other games soon. It's pretty awesome!
This took over a year to make, and I plan on using it for a ton of future stuff, including "Manhunt 2" which should premiere in around two weeks. It should be a blast from the past, and from the future, with all the awesome tech. There is so much more cool stuff to show, but you can wait for that, as it's all coming up.
Thank you to my friends for helping me during this project, believing that I could accomplish it, and motivating me to keep going hard at it. I had to learn multiple new coding languages, tons of random bits of knowledge on cameras, 3D space, and even unfortunately MATH. I feel very accomplished right now, but the grind doesn't stop. See you soon!
This video covers important and serious topics, viewer discretion is advised.
All profits will go to find the Joyful Heart Foundation, find more information here: https://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/
This video uses music, visuals, and sound effects to aid the viewer, and help them understand and retain information easier. Serious topics are not drama. These lies were spread to hundreds of millions, I can only do my best to make sure the truth can be consumed as easily as possible.
I believe that everything in this video is extremely important, even though addressing the more serious accusations is much more important. The foundation of some of these claims, including some other false claims that were quickly debunked, was built on me being a creepy, dishonest person. Addressing the core issue, before then presenting my response, was something I felt could not be avoided. This does not devalue the importance of any singular topic discussed. They are all vitally important, and each chapter should be viewed as it’s own video.
Feel free to use the contents of this video, as you wish, and even monetize it, as long as context to all statements is provided, and the video in it's entirety is not re-uploaded. This includes of course fair use reactions and edits.
0:00 Intro
1:45 The Face Leak Photo
4:24 Speedrun Cheating Scandal
8:40 Housing An Abuser - Manatreed
12:13 Posting Thirst Traps
14:45 Why Would A Grown Man Use Snapchat?
20:06 Dream Is Weird
21:56 Dream Posts Weird Pictures
23:56 The First Allegation
25:30 Why Ever Respond To A Fan?
26:07 Statement From The Person Who Ran my Snapchat in 2020.
28:22 Amanda
37:35 Pre Face Reveal Living Situation
42:21 The Police Station
44:53 What Happened After?
47:44 Gumball VS Dream
51:00 Uber Driver Interview
56:06 MAYHEM
57:45 Doxing Is Serious.
59:48 Dream DID WHAT? (Moaning Allegation)
1:04:38 Statement From The Person In The DM's
1:05:47 Burner Account Summary
1:07:28 Dream Calling The Police
1:10:07 Statement From "The Victim"
1:12:05 NEW Document w/ "24 pages of proof"
1:13:02 "Dream Admitted It Was Him"
1:15:55 False Accusations Everywhere
1:17:45 How Easy It Is To Fake Things
1:18:44 Conclusion
All witness statements are provided below as they are, with explanations on anonymity and verification of identity attached. All other information is in the video itself, or publicly available online.
Extra links and information:
Statement from Jamie: https://pastebin.com/pDn5hJgh
Statement from Anon in Burner discord screenshots: https://pastebin.com/aZ0Rm6U9
If any reputable content creator would like verification of the identity of any of the people mentioned in this video, I can gladly do my best to provide it, please do reach out.
Emails with the astrophysicist: https://imgur.com/a/PHSFUnQ
Statement from Merch Employee on Flash Drive with “baby pictures”: https://pastebin.com/u2PcPCuH
Every Picture I’ve ever posted online: https://youtu.be/BUVIPeywYb0
Full Uber Driver Interview And Uber video: https://youtu.be/6Spbe3QX0CE
All Instagram messages between Amanda & me: https://pastebin.com/SurE8ADa
I did my best to censor inappropriate language, however, some things I could not as they were attached to important pieces of evidence. I also could have just missed some accidentally, it’s a long video.
I do not support any forms of harassment. All social media @’s were left uncensored for transparency, other than Jamie (who specifically requested to be blurred).
Almost all music and sound effects used in this video are from Storyblocks.
MISSION: PROTECT THE CHICKEN... I have to carry a CHICKEN in Minecraft all the way to beat the ender dragon. There is someone trying to kill my little friend. This was crazy fun.
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dream
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dream
George: @GeorgeNotFound
This video is a different Minecraft challenge concept that we have never done before! It's similar to Minecraft Manhunt, in that I have to beat the game while George tries to hunt the CHICKEN, instead of me. The chicken heals over time like a player, and has 20 hearts.
It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin
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