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Official audio for Daniel Caesar & Rex Orange County “Rearrange My World”, available everywhere now to stream/download: https://DanielCaesar.lnk.to/RMW_TAF
Follow Daniel Caesar:
Website: http://danielcaesar.com
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Can we walk until I know who I am ?
I live above a bar I've never been
I think about you more than i can spend
Apartments rising,
But my rent is fixed
If you don't find somewhere
You can move in
I'll trade all of your things for all my things
My mother called me in the early afternoon
Couldn't hear her yelling while i was watching u
I told her that i loved her, the way I tell you
Can you, rearrange my world the way you do x2
The people keep moving farther
Somethings in the air
In light your hair changes colours
You can tell me what to wear
You know me well...
It’s almost like you love me, i can tell
I’m catching up to what you know
Don’t go upstate before it snows
I won’t tell you what burdens me
I’ll wait til the end of the week
I’ll fold
What are you thinking alone?
Where are you thinking to go?
Is there room on the road?
my mother called me in the early afternoon
couldn't hear her yelling while i was watching u
i told her that i loved her, the way I tell you
Can you, rearrange my world the way you do
Can you, rearrange my world the way you do
#DanielCaesar #RexOrangeCountry #RearrangeMyWorld
Official audio for Daniel Caesar & Rex Orange County “There’s A Field (That’s Only Yours)”, available everywhere now to stream/download: https://DanielCaesar.lnk.to/RMW_TAF
Follow Daniel Caesar:
Website: http://danielcaesar.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dannyixxi
Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielcaesar
Instagram: http://instagram.com/danielcaesar
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danielcaesar
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/danielcaesar
There’s a Field (That’s Only Yours)
I think we had too much time
There was nothing left to speak
Is there a corner of this room
Where I should leave your things?
Clothes and books , the alabaster,
Thoughts you couldn't keep
Framed photo on the top shelf that you could never reach
And our friends had it
We went miles to get it
But wherever we would go
I couldn't force the thing you hold
I can't fall with you
But i'll fall with you
Right down to this old floor
There's a Field that's only yours
Your sister wants to take my life
I think she's reading spells
I tried to say it quietly
But It reached everyone else
You said i was all you have
But look at what you've made
The next time you open your hand
It won't be to hold your face
And our friends had it
We went miles to get it
But wherever we would go
I couldn't force the thing you hold
I can't fall with you
But i'll fall with you
Right down to this old floor
There's a Field that's only yours
#DanielCaesar #RexOrangeCountry #TheresAField
Directed by Trent Munson
Edited by Joacim Rodriguez
Where am I anyway - deathbed
Official music video for Daniel Caesar "Toronto 2014", available everywhere now: https://DanielCaesar.lnk.to/NEVERENOUGH
Director: Trent Munson
Editors: Trent Munson & Austin Glaze
Color: Ryan Urzi
Design: Cam Canty
Follow Daniel Caesar:
Website: http://danielcaesar.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dannyixxi
Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielcaesar
Instagram: http://instagram.com/danielcaesar
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danielcaesar
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/danielcaesar
#DanielCaesar #Toronto2014
Directors: Machine Operated @machineoperated
Producer: Theo Hue Williams @theohuewilliams
Casting Director: Kharmel Cochrane @kharmelcochranecasting
Casting Associate: Rose Powell @rosehpowell
Female Lead: Jessica Allain @jessicaallain
DOP: Antoine Cormier @antoinecormier
1AC: Becky Lee @bbleeac
Loader: Jenny John Chuan @jennyjohnchuan
Trainee: Ricky Casey @rick_case05
Grip: Michael Farrell @thegripcompany
Prod Designer: Bon Walsh @bon.walsh
Art Stand-In: Hugo Harris @hugoharris_art
Art Assist: Daniel Lambert @daniellambert
Art Assist: Tasneem Elnayal @telnstudios
Gaffer: Riaz Ahmed @thatguyriaz
Spark: John Harkins @john_andrew_harkins
Spark: Peter Twitchen @petertwitchen
Spark: Charlie Lane @_chlane_
1AD: Ty Hack @tyyhack
2AD: Franky Stone @frankystone_
PM: James de Winton @jamesdewinton
PC: Levi Mattey @levicmattey
Runner: Cameron Christie @cam__christie
Runner: Poppy Langley @papl.film
Runner: Rachel Hickling
Acting Assist: Toby Clarke @tobyclarke170708
Stunt Coord: Marc Cass
Stylist: Tamara Rothstein @tamararothstein1
Stylist Stand-In: Coco Laroque @coco_de_mer_laroque_
HMUA: Karla Quinonez-Leon @karlaqleon
HMUA Assist: Kreszend Sackey @kreszendsackey
Talent Hair Stylist: Flora Masiya
Editor: Matt Schaff @thekidmatt
Edit House: Cabin Edit @cabinedit
Edit Producer: Hope DuHaime @looalhustle
Colourist: Dante Pasquinelli @dantegiani
Colour House: Ethos Studio @ethos_studio
Colour Producer: Nat Tereshchenko @sweetiepiekewpie
Sound Design: ineedsound @ineedsound.co
Film Dev and Scan: Cinelab @cinelabuk
VFX: Harry Binstead @apparitionvfx
WIth thanks to Panavision and SHL @panavisionofficial & @shl.london
Directors: Machine Operated
Producer: Theo Hue Williams
Casting Director: Kharmel Cochrane
Casting Associate: Rose Powell
Female Lead: Jessica Allain
DOP: Antoine Cormier
1AC: Becky Lee
Loader: Jenny John Chuan
Trainee: Ricky Casey
Grip: Michael Farrell
Prod Designer: Bon Walsh
Art Stand-In: Hugo Harris
Art Assist: Daniel Lambert
Art Assist: Tasneem Elnayal
Gaffer: Riaz Ahmed
Spark: John Harkins
Spark: Peter Twitchen
Spark: Charlie Lane
1AD: Ty Hack
2AD: Franki Stone
PM: James de Winton
PC: Levi Mattey
Runner: Cameron Christie
Runner: Poppy Langley
Runner: Rachel Hickling
Acting Assist: Toby Clarke
Stunt Coord: Marc Cass
Stylist: Tamara Rothstein
Stylist Stand-In: Coco Laroque
HMUA: Karla Quinonez-Leon
HMUA Assist: Kreszend Sackey
Talent Hair Stylist: Flora Masiya
Editor: Matt Schaff
Edit House: Cabin Edit
Edit Producer: Hope DuHaime
Colourist: Dante Pasquinelli
Colour House: Ethos Studio
Colour Producer: Nat Tereshchenko
Sound Design: ineedsound
Film Dev and Scan: Cinelab
VFX: Harry Binstead
WIth thanks to Panavision and SHL
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Valentina. © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Homiesexual (Lyric Video). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Always (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Cool (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
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