Hello, my name is Dan Robinson, extreme weather photographer and cameraman. I travel across the USA to capture compelling footage of severe weather year-round, specializing in winter weather, lightning and severe storms/tornadoes. http://stormhighway.com is my primary web site where you'll find a repository of photos and weather observation logs from 30 years on the road. http://icyroadsafety.com is my winter driving awareness site, an ongoing effort to educate the public about this underrated weather hazard. Follow on Twitter at http://twitter.com/stormhighwaycom
Drone and ground-based camera views of cars, pickups, SUVs and semi trucks sliding on icy bridges from freezing drizzle on Highway 62/277 near Blanchard, Oklahoma (just south of Oklahoma City) on Wednesday morning, February 12, 2025 as a winter storm moved through the southern Great Plains and into the Midwest. Visit the Icy Road Safety site for more winter driving safety tips, videos and more.
Copyright Dan Robinson. Please don't copy this video (in part or in whole) to social media or other websites/channels or in compilations. Those significantly harm this channel by diverting viewers away, and have been a serious problem affecting my ability to keep this channel going. I pay for all of my expenses and travel to document these weather events on-location, and I shoot all of these videos myself on my own equipment during multiple 16 to 24-hour workdays out in the elements. Please let me know if you see unauthorized copies posted elsewhere so that I can take the appropriate actions. My videos are registered with the US Copyright Office, and I employ a rights management agency and attorneys to pursue those instances of copyright infringement. Thank you! Dan
An unprecedented 8.9 inches of snow fell on Pensacola on January 21, 2025, creating icy roads of a magnitude never before seen in the state of Florida. The previous statewide snowfall record was 4 inches, set in 1954. On the morning after the snowstorm, Pensacola drivers met significant challenges while traversing a hill on North Davis Highway, with many getting stuck and some losing control. Interstates 10 and 110 were closed and deserted. Like many areas of the southern United States, there are no salt trucks or snowplows to clear and treat roads in Florida. These regions simply shut everything down and wait for temperatures to warm up again. For most Pensacola residents, this was their first time seeing and driving on icy roads.
Copyright Dan Robinson. Please don't copy this video (in part or in whole) to social media or other websites/channels or in compilations. Those significantly harm this channel by diverting viewers away, and have been a serious problem affecting my ability to keep this channel going. I pay for all of my expenses and travel to document these weather events on-location, and I shoot all of these videos myself on my own equipment during multiple 16 to 24-hour workdays out in the elements. Please let me know if you see unauthorized copies posted elsewhere so that I can take the appropriate actions. My videos are registered with the US Copyright Office, and I employ a rights management agency and attorneys to pursue those instances of copyright infringement. Thank you! Dan
All of this video was nearly lost due to an in-camera SD card failure at the end of shooting. A thanks to Jeremy at Recover My Flash Drive for excellent work on the full recovery of the data on the card.
Most of all, thanks to the Lord for safety on these long and many times dangerous expeditions and averting what looked like a major loss of the rare video captured during this 3-day, 10-state, 2,300 mile trip.
I'm planning on doing a bigger, more detailed video on this when I can find time to include everything that needs to be shown. In the meantime, here's just a small sample of what is on the verge of putting my entire operation out of business: copyright infringement in the form of stolen videos and what I call "Fair Use abuse". Thank you to all of my subscribers and viewers for your support over the years.
A mixture of sleet, freezing rain and snow made roads and highways in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex icy and hazardous. This car spun out on icy Highway 12 on the west side of Dallas. Copyright Dan Robinson
A 4-hour timelapse of the Perryville, Missouri ice storm of January 5, 2025 bending and breaking trees. The video camera was encased in ice at the end of shooting. Copyright Dan Robinson
The sound of large tree branches breaking was constant and widespread in Perryville, Missouri as an ice storm brought accretions of more than one-half inch to parts of eastern Missouri. Most trees in Perryville lost multiple limbs, including some very large (in excess of 18 inches in diameter). Power was out to large sections of town. Copyright Dan Robinson
Freezing rain created treacherous icing on bridges in the Wichita, Kansas metro as the big winter storm begins marching across the central US., bringing icy roads to several states. This drone video captures several incidents on I-135 northbound at Park City including a tractor-trailer jackknife and a crossover close call. Copyright Dan Robinson.
Shot list:
1.) Tractor-trailer jackknifes from the bridge off of the highway and becomes stuck in the mud
2.) Ground camera view of previous shot
2.) SUV loses control and crosses the median, narrowly missing an oncoming car.
4.) Ground camera view of previous shot
5-12.) Drivers fishtail on the bridge, but maintain control.
100 percent crop from 4k footage showing a clear tripoded view of the Lincoln to Waverly, Nebraska tornado passing over the Garner Industries facility and then a BNSF freight train before crossing Interstate 80 during the April 26, 2024 tornado outbreak. Copyright Dan Robinson
Supercell thunderstorms produced at least one weak tornado in central Missouri on Saturday, December 14, 2024. The town of Tightwad is located near Clinton, about 90 minutes southeast of Kansas City. Copyright Dan Robinson
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