Hey! I'm Cryptize. I've been playing Roblox since 2010 and making Roblox animations / music videos since 2013! Here are some questions you may have for me: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What editing program do you use? | A: Sony Vegas Pro 15 Q: What do you use to film? | A: Fraps 3.5.9 Q: How do you make the camera pan around? | A: I use CloneTrooper1019's Cutscene editor Q: How often do you upload videos? | A: Sadly, not very often (expect videos every 2-4 months) :( Q: What type of videos do you make? | A: I make music videos and comedy animations Q: How do you make people walk? | A: I use scripts to make NPC's (fake avatars) move --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to message me on roblox (Cryptize) or on Twitter (@CryptizeROBLOX) if you have any more questions :)
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Thanks to Epic Games for sponsoring this video!
'5 Types of Famous People on Roblox' is an animation / montage of the types of recognizable people that you might come across in-game.
Join the group: (https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174)
Follow my Twitter! (https://twitter.com/CryptizeROBLOX)
0:00 - Intro
0:38 - The Youtuber
3:02 - The Game Creator
4:33 - The Infamous Guy
5:44 - The Admin
6:55 - The Expert
8:23 - Outro
- Universal Studios
- Mining Simulator Lobby
- Middle Ocean Islands
- Pokemon Brick Bronze (PBB)
- Deathrun 2 (Ice Cavern)
- Pirate Lagoon
- Elation (JJD & Alex Skrindo)
- Hackbeat (Kevin Macleod)
- Catchy Elevator Music
- Wallpaper (Kevin Macleod)
- Fensters Explanation (Kevin Macleod)
- Sweet Nothings (Futurecop! Remix) (Robert Parker)
- The Party Troll (D1ofAquavibe)
- Outro: Speed (Jim Yosef)
- Spy and Die (OurMusicBox)
- The Process (LAKEY INSPIRED)
- Sneaky Snooper (Audionautix)
Sneaky Snooper by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Huge thanks to JJD and Alex Skrindo for the intro music!
JJD & Alex Skrindo - Elation
Alex Skrindo
Rich Guy
Green Shirt
(Jonathan Flores)
- AbstractAlex
- Aesthetical
- AlbertsStuff
- Alexnewtron
- Ant
- Asimo3089
- Badcc
- Beeism
- Berezaa
- Builderman
- Buur
- callmehbob
- Cindering
- CloneTrooper1019
- Crazyblox
- Cryptize
- DanTDM
- Defaultio
- Den_S
- Denis
- Dued1
- Dummiez
- EthanGamer
- Firebrand1
- Fudz
- GodzGalaxy
- Gusmanak
- HenryDev
- ItsFunneh
- jaredvaldez4
- Lando64000
- Litozinnamon
- Loleris
- LordJurrd
- Merely
- mightybaseplate
- NewFissy
- Nikilis
- NowDoTheHarlemShake
- ObliviousHD
- ObscureEntity
- PixelatedCandy
- PlaceRebuilder
- Poke
- Polyhex
- Prisman
- Quenty
- Shaylan007
- Shedletsky
- Simbuilder
- Soybeen
- Stickmasterluke
- SushiWalrus
- Taymaster
- tbradm
- TheHealthyCow
- ThinkNoodles
- Tofuu
- TwentyTwoPilots
- Vurse
- Wsly
- Zaquille
- zKevin
- Zomebody
- Zyleak
An animated Roblox music video featuring two stereotypical noobs who feel alone and misunderstood in a world only to be escaped by facing the 'dark side'.
Join the group: (https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174)
Follow my twitter! (https://twitter.com/CryptizeROBLOX)
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
- AbstractAlex
- Aesthetical
- AlbertsStuff
- Alexnewtron
- Ant
- Asimo3089
- Badcc
- Beeism
- Berezaa
- Buur
- callmehbob
- Cindering
- CloneTrooper1019
- Crazyblox
- Cryptize
- DanTDM
- Defaultio
- Den_S
- Denis
- Dued1
- EthanGamer
- Firebrand1
- Fudz
- GodzGalaxy
- HenryDev
- ItsFunneh
- Kavra
- Lando64000
- Litozinnamon
- Loleris
- LordJurrd
- Merely
- NewFissy
- Nikilis
- ObliviousHD
- ObscureEntity
- PixelatedCandy
- Prisman
- Simbuilder
- SirMing
- Soybeen
- Stickmasterluke
- Taymaster
- ThinkNoodles
- Tofuu
- TwentyTwoPilots
- Vurse
- Wsly
- Zyleak
A short Roblox film about a homeless family's loving relationship through times of struggle, even when an evil man does the unthinkable.
JOIN THE GROUP: (https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174)
Follow my twitter! (https://twitter.com/CryptizeROBLOX)
"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved" - George Sand
This video begins with a dad begging for robux on the sidewalk, hoping to receive enough to help support his son and daughter. He manages to ignore the rude comments of a rich man passing by and stays positive by taking his kids to the park and makes a wish into a fountain. The following day the son has a birthday party at the park, but none of his friends show up - only the rich man is there to insult him, leaving him there in sadness. The dad sees this and feels heartbroken, finding a nearby balloon and stuffed animal dog to give to his son once he returns to their spot. This consistent rebound to happiness makes the rich man furious, deciding to leave a permanent mark on the family for his absence of joy. He follows through with his mindset, commiting the evil action and ends up behind bars for it. The son then reminisces on the character of his father with a concluding coin toss into the fountain.
Sorry I haven't uploaded in so long guys! I don't have any excuses, hope this makes up for it!
I'm pretty lenient on reaction rules. As long your video isn't a blatant cash grab (don't just silently watch the video and add tons of mid-roll ads) and you provide the link to the original video everything should be fine. I'll update rules here in the description if I want to add anything. I'll reach out to you if I have any issues with your reaction.
Joe Cliff Thompson (The Dad):
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jcliffthompson
IMBD: https://imdb.me/joecliffthompson
Lenrintwin (The Son):
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LenRinTwin
Carson McCamy (The Rich Man):
Voice Demo Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvYhpChg0oU
Fiancée's Voice Demo Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj5LF26vlC4
Missparadoxspace (The Daughter):
Huge thanks to Whitesand for the great music, check out his stuff!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe96JG5gdgSRtmqStx0isXA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/martynlaur
Whitesand songs in video:
"Wings To Fly": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJxKPFBQb1o
"Friendly Storm": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o69aJ7eJkJ4
Thanks to NCM Epic Music Ender Guney for "Dramatic Orchestral / No Copyright Free Music" and "Epic Action Battle Music"
Thanks to Free Vibes - Non Copyrighted Music for "Happy Background Music - No Copyright"
Music provided by Free Vibes: https://www.youtube.com/c/FreeVibesNo...
Feeling Free by Nicolai Heidlas & Alvaro Angeloro: https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidla...
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
Music provided by No Copyright Music:
Music used: Ghost by Tim Beek
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Also thanks to SkeletalReality for providing the smooth facial expressions!
CAMEOS (character appearances):
- AbstractAlex
- Aesthetical
- AlbertsStuff (Flamingo)
- Alexnewtron
- Alex (CraftedRL)
- Asimo3089
- Badcc
- Beeism
- Berezaa
- Buur
- CallMehBob
- Cindering
- CloneTrooper1019
- Corl (CorlHorl)
- Crazyblox
- Cryptize
- Dadblox
- DanTDM (DrTrayBlox)
- Defaultio
- DemSkittlesDoee
- DenS
- Denis (DenisDaily)
- Dued1
- Dummiez
- DylanTheHyper (Dylan)
- EthanGamerTV
- FireBrand1
- Fudz
- HenryDev
- HolidayPwner
- ItsFunneh (FunnehCake)
- Kavra
- Lando64000
- Litozinnamon
- Loleris
- Merely
- MightyBaseplate
- MrWindy
- TheNewFissy
- Nikilis
- NowDoTheHarlemShake
- ObliviousHD
- ObscureEntity
- PixelatedCandy
- PlaceRebuilder
- Poke (Pokediger1)
- Polyhex
- Prisman
- Quenty
- Ripull
- Seedeng (Seedank)
- Sharksie
- Shaylan007
- Shedletsky
- Simbuilder
- Sketch (Sk3tchYT)
- Soybeen
- Stickmasterluke
- Taymaster
- tbradm
- TheHealthyCow
- ThinkNoodles
- Tofuu (forstaken)
- TwentyTwoPilots
- TypicalType
- Vurse
- Widgeon
- Wsly
- zkevin
- Zomebody
- Zyleak
This is a roblox music video about guests being removed. It demonstrates how lots of people simply ignored guests, making him semi-invisible to those around him. It was only when roblox started getting rid of guests did people feel a sense of emotional loss, as many of us began playing roblox through guest accounts. The spark that ignited many people's love for the game couldn't be forgotten.
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
Here's a full breakdown of the storyline since it can be a bit confusing:
The beginning scene with the scientists and cryogenic chambers is the start of roblox's collection of the guests, it shows them being placed in a lab for preservation.The following scene in which the guest is running towards the portal is meant to show the surrounding people ignoring him, he runs towards the portal to escape to a different location in hopes of change. Once he hears music coming from the stadium, he enters to the sight of a bunch of people dancing, but he can't help but just be a bystander to the performance. Once the stadium has cleared, he walks alone through the field and imagines the glory of being able to perform, only to be immediately shut down by the stadium lights. He then visits the lab to the horrific sight of his people being held captive. The guest then worriedly runs towards the guest statue (their beacon in the middle of the forest) to grasp onto any remaining recognition of their kind. The statue shatters just as roblox announces removal of the guests, which also shuts down the portal and makes guests start to fade away. People start to feel sad because they never paid attention to the guests, they wish to interact with them before they're gone. Regretful of his stationary lifestyle, the guest runs back towards the stadium before he's removed in order to fulfill his dream of performing. The others accept him for who he is and dance with him, letting him finally become visible. The other's eventually fade into guests themselves to symbolize how they started roblox as guests just like him.
'8 Ways to Die on ROBLOX' is my rendition of a classic type of video. 'Ways to die' videos have been popular since the dawn of Roblox! In this video you'll find plenty of relatable situations that might have caused your limbs to fall off (oof)
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Judging a Noob
1:15 - Being Trampled
1:52 - Getting Hacked
2:32 - Literally Reset
3:15 - Trusting a Noob
4:05 - Meeting a Troll
4:40 - Straight up Murder
5:21 - Playing too much Roblox
6:26 - Outro
-Tofuu (forstaken)
-Denis (DenisDaily)
-John Doe
-DanTDM (DrTrayBlox)
-Buur (BuurmanTenus)
-Fudz (fudsim)
-Alex (CraftedRL)
-Sub (SubZeroExtabyte)
-Guest 666
-JD (Thexz & didi1137)
-Poke (Pokediger1)
-Phantom Forces (Desert Storm)
-Robloxian Highschool
-Pokemon GO Map
-Meep City
-Adopt and Raise a Cute Kid
-Mad Games (Space Map)
'5 Types of ROBLOX Gamers' is a video about some generic stereotypes of people you may find while playing roblox!
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
0:00 - Intro
0:24 - The Noob
1:44 - The Professional
2:47 - The Roleplayer
3:51 - The Cyberbully
4:41 - The AFK Guy
5:24 - Outro
-Denis (DenisDaily)
-DanTDM (DrTrayBlox)
-Shedletsky (Telamon)
-Ambamby (AA Millers)
-HoosierDaddy22 (Dadblox)
-Tofuu (forstaken)
-ZephPlayz (ZephPlayzYT)
-Buur (BuurmanTenus)
-Thexz (JD)
-didi1147 (JD)
-Fudz (Fudsim)
-AlbertsStuff (Alberts)
-The Plaza
-Adopt and Raise a Cute Baby
-Murder Mystery 2
-Survivor (Custom built)
Outro song: Jim Yosef - Speed [NCS Release]
'If Superpowers were on Roblox' is a video about all the goofy advantages and disadvantages that would come along with having superhuman abilities in-game!
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
Also, I guess this is my voice reveal haha! My normal talking voice is when my avatar is talking - everyone else is also voiced by me but with different voices.
0:00 - Intro
0:19 - Flying
1:20 - Invisibility
2:12 - Mind Reading
3:19 - Invincibility
4:23 - Shape Shifting
5:27 - Outro
-CraftedRL (Alex)
-Buur (BuurmanTenus)
-Denis (DenisDaily)
-DanTDM (DrTrayBlox)
-JD (Didi)
-Fudz (Fudsim)
Outro song: Jim Yosef - Speed [NCS Release]
This is a roblox music video about a girl who feels alone and targeted in her social life, but she later finds out that the people around her want to know her and help her with the problem she has with bullying. The rest of the video is for you to interpret :)
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
If you are being bullied, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BULLY BACK LIKE THIS VIDEO DISPLAYS, this music video is merely a revenge-fantasy story. Tell an adult or someone you feel comfortable telling that you're being bullied; your parents, your teacher, a friend (etc.) and hopefully they will help you out in a more appropriate manner.
"If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them."
5 Types of Hackers On ROBLOX is a comical depiction about how people can hack you! Please be careful and avoid clicking false links claiming to give you 'free robux' - all they do is steal your account!
JOIN THE GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=3171174
This video was uploaded on the same day I hit 100K subscribers! Thanks so much to everyone for helping us reach this crazy milestone :)
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - The Account Stealer
1:28 - The Game Exploiter
2:17 - The Fake Hacker
3:27 - The Robux Scammer
4:39 - The Real Life Hacker
6:15 - Outro
-John Doe
-didi (JD)
Outro song: Jim Yosef - Speed [NCS Release]
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