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CookingBomb 袁倩祎
  • Category: How to and Style
  • Country: United States

I am the proud owner a 19 year old pickle brine jar.It has been pickling away for longer than some of you have been alive! "It's older than you!" my pickle jars hold more than just brine—they hold a piece of my heart and the extraordinary memories that make life delicious. I'm Vivian Aronson, my Chinese name is Yuan QianYi (袁倩祎). Originally from Sichuan, China, the birthplace of fiery and tongue-tingling mouthwatering spicy food, I bring the authentic flavors of my hometown to your screens. Having moved to the U.S. in 2005, I carry with me the traditions and culinary heritage of my upbringing. Growing up with my grandparents, I discovered my passion for cooking at a young age. Cooking for my family is always an adventure, and I refer to my children as "the circus." They add an extra sprinkle of joy and laughter to my kitchen. Send me a mail here记得给我一封信❤️: Vivian Aronson 300 N New York Ave #2310 Winter Park, FL 32790

Cooking recipe chinese food asian food sichuan food recipes how to cookingbomb Chinese cooking mom life

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CookingBomb 袁倩祎 has 2.6M subscribers. CookingBomb 袁倩祎 has had 1.5B total views.
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CookingBomb 袁倩祎 gets 2.8M views per episode on average. CookingBomb 袁倩祎 has published 517 videos.
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What categories does CookingBomb 袁倩祎 belong to?
CookingBomb 袁倩祎 belongs to the How to and Style category, and the creators are from United States.

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