Hi! I'm Natalie and I've been making videos online for far too long. They're (hopefully) fun videos that are a combination of monologue and sketches that focus on the humourous aspects of everyday life. If you'd like to get in contact, I have an email for business inquires below or if you just wanted to say hi, leave me a comment in a video, my facebook, or twitter. ----------------------------------------- Official Website and Merch: www.babyiknow.com Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/community-channel/6783117830 Official Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/natalietran Official Instagram: http://instagram.com/realnatalietran ---------------------------------------------
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Deleted Psy and Old You scenes: https://youtu.be/apGDQ-FlmFs
Happy New Year
Hope you're staying safe and well. I know it doesn't look like it but I need you to know that I looked pretty good for maybe 6 days of lockdown but nobody saw. But it happened.
I dunno, ya'll. What the hell is going on.
If you feel like it, I'm on twitter, instagram, and facebook and write pretty annoying things more regularly than I upload here. One day I'll figure out tiktok.
This vid was a bit last minute and I used some images behind me with green screen and photo credits belong to Maria Orlova, Tima Miroshnichenko, ,Gleb Vasylynka, Jan van der Wolf, RODNAE Productions, Jarod Erbe, and MART all found on Pexels.
Happy holidays!
Thanks to Ro for filming, my cat for everything, and to Nash. Also, and most obviously, to you guys for being so nice and patient (this is preemptive)
Happy holidays.
Apologies always.
Because people should be held accountable.
Or, you know, not.
Hope you guys have a brilliant start to the new year- at this rate, I could just do new year's videos. Sorry about missing a christmas video. I ate many cookies and thought about you all though. No, I am sorry, maybe in a future video or something I'll give you some more solid excuses. That said, have missed you a lot and hope you're all well.
Happy Halloween. Merry Halloween.
New regular vid next week. Many promises. Many cross the hearts
A few people asked for a recap so here it is! New regular video soon.
Thanks so much to everyone who came including those who travelled so far to as well, to everyone who expressed interest in coming- hopefully we get to meet one day, to youtube, and to my friends and family who helped organise the day.
You guys rock my socks.
Song: Jef Joslin - Glory Road , song licensed through audiosocket.
Here are the suppliers I used if you're keen. All were paid, nothing is sponsored but just in case you were interested because they were all great:
Catering- Pop Up Picnic/ Chilterns Catering who kindly put together a custom vegan menu
Silhouette Artist- Geoff Pearce who does events and weddings
Furniture - Event Hire Services who provide great event furniture
Audio - DJ Warehouse who we rented the speakers from
Venue - Lions Gate Lodge at the Royal Botanic Garden
Cardigan- mum.
Are good sides real? What if you have two bad sides? So Phantom of the Opera.
Don't forget to subscribe for new vids and you can also catch me on
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/natalietran
and Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/natalietran.communitychannel
shirts: https://communitychannel.myshopify.com/admin
Heart: Don't have one. Gotcha.
Hope you guys are well and that you had good weeks
All plants beware. Even my look will kill you. Single to drop soon.
Don't forget to subscribe for new videos on a very unreliable schedule.
RSVP draw to 10 Year bbq (closes Friday 6pm): Closed
T shirt store: http://www.communitychannel.myshopify.com
Also you can catch me on Twitter on Facebook
hope you guys are super well
It takes skillz.
Don't forget to subscribe for new vids. They are incredibly mediocre and infrequent, what more could you want?
You can catch me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/natalietran and Facbeook: http://www.facebook.com/natalietran.communitychannel
Also, I've restocked shirts at http://communitychannel.myshopify.com/
AND I have a new channel... still working on what to do with it but it's over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vMoIUEzC-A&feature=youtu.be
What else? I got a haircut. Not really.
Hope you guys are fantastic
**New channel: https://youtu.be/7vMoIUEzC-A
Apologies for the huge gap. It was a tough time … I grew a beard in honour of our relationship. No, but really, apologies.
Please tell me you don’t steal umbrellas.
Yes, my worries are little.
Height is a thing. So many questions
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