Do not trust any of my past acquaintances or friends Raqib is allegedly known for blackmail People associated with him have ulterior motives Him & others including my own family took advantage of my ASD & other mental shortcomings. Conspirators & accomplices? #allegedly The fact others collaborate with #NintendoUtopia #Raqib like that tells a lot. I had to be told not to tell a foreskin story. #autism In fact, Gian, Sully, & Raqib were like ghost texters. Oh & Mark. #HiMark #TheRoom U can supposedly send mental illness with schizophrenia spirits & other supernatural powers. Like Zelda & Sonic & the Secret Rings. #Poe #Djinn Oh yeah Etika uploaded Loli of Rex (15 yrs old) w/Myrtha/Pyra to his audience. Also, Raqib is a master manipulator, accomplice, & I trusted him cuz he led me to believe he was Christian. He also allegedly edits pics & photoshops documents Do NOT trust @MatthewMorandi #1UPTV Games & @PokemonGoNews “My Neck is the Way to Heaven!” 18+
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"Not lying and a lie detector test would prove so many false statements against me wrong along with things I've said to be true. 100% confidence in taking it and then I can do some defamation claims against some people 😁 Also for people who wonder about symptoms of you go. ( Good explanation of how it can affect people in a short story here. I've definitely had similar delusions to this. I've suffered from the symptoms of Capgras Delision. But keep in mind...even if I don't get the lie detector test...I was and am willing to back up my claims with it. So don't get upset or slander me when I say more in the future that I was going to use the lie detector test on...either way if you donate for the cause i greatly appreciate it and hope to prove things right and wrong if i take the test and am able to. Hopefully it will be God's will as I feel I got conviction on it. Also, there is one true God and one true Jesus. Galatians 5:19-21..." - *Quote*
"If You Would Like to Donate for Lie Detector Test":
Cashapp: $CAHeaven23
PayPal: [email protected]
"My bad for my fits of anger outside of psychosis/mental health episodes...can be rough when everyone tries to set you up or screw you over or slander you."
"Yeah just a quick update. Eggman was the best father I ever had, hate he got psychosis in the comics but stress buildup does that 😂😩" Sonic Comic Issue 200. I bought 4 copies because I loved it so much.
"King James Demonology talks about bringing the dead back to life almost like John from Game of Thrones with the scarlet witch. Anyways, the bible even confirms that witches were able to do supernatural acts. One reason why people thought Jesus was a witch when he brought Lazarus back to life...meaning even in biblical times witches were doing things similar to the miracles Jesus did but with dark forces instead of God's blessings like how Jesus granted the disciples the ability to cast out demons. The devil is a mimick who fought toe to toe with Archangel Michael."
Also Hunter X Hunter references Beelzebub being Pouf's ability which also is the name that the Pharisees used against Jesus when they said he used the power of Beelzebub. Coincidence? I think not.
"People THOUGHT they knew why I was doing all this but in reality no one knew. It's really this simple. I confronted most people privately on these situations and they either falsely accused me or tried to gaslight me and lie to me on things I actually have screenshots from. Stress is the number 1 killer and I would have far less mental illnesses (probably just autism and depression only) if friends and family hadn't tried to screw me over for years. I have no reason to lie or slander people willingly (schizophrenia has led to some delusions but I have not doubled down on them here. Schizophrenia/psychosis has actually caused me to slander even MYSELF as well in private relationships and in public as well solely due to the fact the voices threatened to kill my sisters or harm my family and I was willing to slander myself out of duress on the sole fact I did not want them beheaded, tortured, r**ed, etc) not to mention I'm not making money off of any of this and I'm actually losing subscribers. I am just tired of being gaslit to my face by absolutely everyone and this verse in the bible is why I record this audio and post these screenshots. Clearly people double down on their lies against me so I actually appreciate that because God says slanderers will not go to Heaven and I care about that more than anything. My 'flesh' actually wants to go an entirely different route but I'm not allowed to do that and sometimes I want to curse out God for all these setups and manipulation against me from the people I knew but I have to hold my tongue. I just wish these voices in psychosis never told me I had to sell my soul to the devil in order to protect my sisters and family from being murdered or tortured because all that caused me to spiral into my first psychosis and I was told/commanded that I must be the 'Lamb' in Revelations 13 that had the tongue of a dragon if I wanted them to live...that was why my first episode was so intense because i was blackmailed by the voices to cut my chest deeply with a knife as a form of sacrifice to the devil and that since Etika was the antichrist according to him in his psychosis episode i would have to be the foul mouthed Lamb. Revelations 13 also occurs after Revelations 9 so this led me to believe that over a third of mankind had been wiped out already and the voices in my psychosis told me the people on earth were all clones in reality and not real humans meaning that they were literally vessels for 'familiar' spirits (Almost like Xenoblade X's ending where the characters you play aren't real because everyone was dead and the silver haired girl in that game was in reality just an alien (aka demon) underground with her personality uploaded to the bodies that you play in the game). It's really frustrating too because after the whole ordeal from the first psychosis episode I had a mini stroke from all the stress of taking these commands from voices that I thought were top rank officials in the intelligence agencies that I thought were satanist as well. Psychosis is truly a curse I would wish on no one but in a way I sometimes want to hope it does happen to the people who wronged me but that would be a sin...hey at least the actual people who wronged me will lie and not admit how they set me up so maybe the Berserk Eclipse will await them in just a few more decades. Years go by faster as you get older so their day will come soon..."
"Raqib misled me all of 2016. Remember this."
"GCPM11 tried to push illegal activity I slapped him for in early 2018 but he misled me in other ways afterwards that I was fully oblivious to. I have autism after all and I was homeschooled from 5-16 (didn't finish last two years of school) so things I'm naive on im gullible to but things I did know I wouldn't let him mislead me on."
"If you all want to help me get an autism lawyer that'd help tremendously. As you can clearly hear, he's lying and thankfully I wrote notes around the times we had conversations. Will have to post full uncensored audio on bitchute where he tries to gaslight me and say he never says the N word with the hard r but then 10 min later says the N word with the hard r 🙄 I wouldn't have had horrendous psychosis episodes if it werent for his abuse, racism, mind games, and neglect since he was supposed to be my caretaker. I've been told to record audio to discredit how he is in case he tries to abuse me further."
No description provided.
"people said I was lying when I clearly wasn't 🤷🏾♂️ so that's why I uploaded this. He said something similar to this at Sonic Boom 2014 when I first met him. At the time I didn't know what he said was wrong but it wasn't illegal"
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