Celebrating the amazing stories from the real life heroes who protect us. From paramedic call outs to lifeguard rescues, Real Life Rescue shows real-life stories through the eyes of First Responders. COMMUNITY GUIDELINES: Welcome to Real Life Rescue, celebrating lifeguards, paramedics, firefghters and the police who keep us safe. 🔴 Be Respectful: Be kind and express opinions civilly. 🔴 No Hate: Zero tolerance for hate, racism, or discrimination. 🔴 No harassment or bullying - remember, they’re real people. SUBSCRIBE for 3 heroic videos every week: https://bit.ly/RealLifeRescueSub Featuring footage from Bondi Rescue, Piha Rescue, Coastwatch NZ, Lifeguard! Southern California Ambulance: Code Red , Paramedics: Emergency Response, 999: Frontline, Brit Cops and much more!
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