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Chani Nattan
  • Category: Comedy
  • Country: Canada

Chani Nattan is a lyrical virtuoso, whose poetic storytelling and cultural narratives have captivated his fans and listeners. His profound understanding of the human experience is masterfully expressed in his music, particularly in the evocative hit "Daku," which has propelled him to global recognition. Chani's collaborations, while notable for their star-studded lineups, are underscored by his unique lyrical flair, which stands as the heartbeat of each track. His songs have become anthems within the Punjabi diaspora. With each verse, Chani Nattan weaves a narrative that is both authentic and revolutionary, his music not only crossing cultural boundaries but also uniting listeners through shared emotions. CHANI NATTAN ENT LTD. FOR ALL INQUIRIES: [email protected]

chani chani nattan chani nattan songs chani nattan music chani nattan song punjabi music punjabi hip hop daku chani nattan hip hop punjabi rapper

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Chani Nattan Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Chani Nattan have?
Chani Nattan has 1.1M subscribers. Chani Nattan has had 436.2M total views.
How many views does Chani Nattan get per video?
Chani Nattan gets 2.7M views per episode on average. Chani Nattan has published 159 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Chani Nattan YouTube channel?
You can visit the Chani Nattan YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Chani Nattan mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Chani Nattan belong to?
Chani Nattan belongs to the Comedy category, and the creators are from Canada.

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