Who say's cats can't learn... Didga, adopted from the shelter (and Boomer) are going to help me show that cats are smart and teachable as long as you use a specific positive 'methodology' (similar to the way marine animals are taught.) On CATMANTOO, you will not only see Didga and Boomer do amazing tricks and stunts (Please don't try them at home) but, you'll learn how to teach your cat to follow some basic cues from you, like how to walk on a leash, do a few cats tricks and/or stop behavioural issues. This channel now has over 66 million video views and over 180k subscribers! I read all the comments and appreciate the likes, comments, sharing and for SUBSCRIBING. NOTE: please visit your local animal shelter, there are many dogs and cats just waiting for a good home. THANKS! Robert Dollwet Malibu Dog Training Channel - http://bit.ly/14JO31 Contact - Robert (@) catmantoo.info
Event: Cat Lovers Festival August 24 & 25 2024 at the Sydney Showgrounds, like comic-con but for cats. We will teach you how to teach your cat all sorts of things. For more info or to purchase tickets. https://catloversfestival.com.au/sydney/ #sydney #event #sydneyshowgrounds #catlovers #petlovers #catloversfestival
Didga, Boomer, Bindi and myself (Robert) show you just how talented cats can be. Yes! your cat can learn tricks, some tutorials on this channel with many more on my Patreon Page https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
More info on Website, and why Hybrid cats make the worst pets https://catmantoo.info/
Unfortunately, I am no longer performing these shows.
The State lockdowns here in Australia killed my business.
The cats are now just normal house-cats
Boomer had to be given away due to his aggressions
towards Didga.
I'm back teaching dogs and their humans
Gold Coast QLD and surrounding areas + Zoom consults
Malibu Dog Training in Tweed Heads
ADOPT DON'T SHOP! Thanks for following my cats
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/catmantoo/
SUBSCRIBE - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/pcwrjac
Thanks, Alan Daxon for providing some footage https://www.instagram.com/daxon/
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Learn more about my cats, training, how it all started, and more...I answer FAQ's on my website http://www.catmantoo.info/
Thanks for all the support
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi, and Jeb
Advanced Cat tricks by Robert Dollwet. Got a minute? that's all you need to teach your animals all sorts of things. Dogs can learn from my cat tutorials too.
I'm on Patreon (thanks) https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
It's best to clicker train your cat, tutorial on this channel (link below)
Clicker Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjkF...
Cat Supplies (website) - http://www.catmantoo.info/gold-coast-...
Teach your cat to SIT: https://youtu.be/iy7isWuJN_0
DOWN: https://youtu.be/dwQjH2kUBAQ
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/nhpb83f
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/catmantoo/
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
The making of this video, Didga had the Guinness World Record for most tricks by a cat in one minute, We couldn't have achieved this without the clicker.
Thanks for liking, commenting and sharing
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi and Jeb
Advanced Cat tricks by Robert Dollwet. A cat needs to be standing in order to teach them to spin, this tutorial shows you in detail how to teach both stand and spin.
Support my tutorial making, plus take your cat training skills to the next level. https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
It's best to clicker train your cat, tutorial on this channel (link below)
Clicker Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjkF...
Cat Supplies (website) - http://www.catmantoo.info/gold-coast-...
Teach your cat to SIT: https://youtu.be/iy7isWuJN_0
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/nhpb83f
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/catmantoo/
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Didga holds the current Guinness World Record for most tricks by a cat in one minute, We couldn't have achieved this without the clicker.
Thanks for liking, commenting and sharing
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi and Jeb
These are the lucky ones...Thanks to animal sanctuaries like:
Edgar's Mission: https://www.edgarsmission.org.au/
Maridan's Menagerie: https://www.maridansmenagerie.com/
Where Pigs Fly: https://www.wherepigsfly.org/
Friends of the hound https://www.friendsofthehound.org.au/
also, people who adopt and care for animals in their homes.
Most were saved from factory farms and certain death, or from a life of exploitation or euthanasia. Some were found just wandering the countryside after escaping. Or bought at auction so a butcher wouldn't be able to buy them. These organizations stress that avoiding meat and dairy is the 'biggest way' to lower your impact on Earth, at the same time, save the lives of the most vulnerable beings on the planet.
We love all animals here at catmantoo, follow on INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/catmantoo/
Watch our training tutorials, a few are here, but many more on PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
Filmed: GoPro Hero 7 / Karma grip
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/nhpb83f
YES, we have MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Subscribe here & share: http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
I answer lot's more Questions here - FAQ https://tinyurl.com/yyw425sh
Thanks for reading,
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi, and Jeb
It can't be all tricks, I need to show the reality, they have tons more down-time than they do trick-time. I took the cats to a popular beach to watch the sunrise of the New Year, film and share with all of you. Have a Happy New Year.
For more, follow on INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/catmantoo/ Watch our training tutorials, a few are here, but many more on PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
Filmed: GoPro Hero 7
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/nhpb83f
YES, we have MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Subscribe here & share: http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
I answer lot's more Questions here - FAQ https://tinyurl.com/yyw425sh
VLOG style: While on Holiday in America, I met up with three Instagram Influencers, Kyle the Goose, Klause & Juno and Nala Cat (links below), I had a great time and made a video to share with you, Thanks for subscribing
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/catmantoo/
TUTORIALS - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
SUBSCRIBE - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/pcwrjac
IS THE BENGAL BREED RIGHT FOR YOU? http://www.catmantoo.info/2018/06/17/...
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Learn more about my cats, training, how it all started, and more...I answer FAQ's on my website http://www.catmantoo.info/
Kyle the goose https://www.instagram.com/kylethegoose/
The Klause Cat https://www.instagram.com/theklauscat/
Nala Cat https://www.instagram.com/nala_cat/
Didga and Bindi experienced mountains streams, fog, and snow. Thankfully my cats are confident in these unfamiliar areas, they love going on adventures. FOLLOW on our social for more Didga, Bindi, Boomer and Jeb
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/catmantoo/
TUTORIALS - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
SUBSCRIBE - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/pcwrjac
IS THE BENGAL BREED RIGHT FOR YOU? http://www.catmantoo.info/2018/06/17/...
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Learn more about my cats, training, how it all started, and more...I answer FAQ's on my website http://www.catmantoo.info/
Thanks for all the support
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi, and Jeb
Six months to teach in the home, then another 2 months practicing outside before the trick was ready to be filmed. Didga, Boomer and Bindi. ADOPT DON'T SHOP! Thanks for following my cats
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/catmantoo/
TUTORIALS - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
SUBSCRIBE - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/pcwrjac
IS THE BENGAL BREED RIGHT FOR YOU? http://www.catmantoo.info/2018/06/17/is-the-bengal-breed-right-for-you/
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Learn more about my cats, training, how it all started, and more...I answer FAQ's on my website http://www.catmantoo.info/
Thanks for all the support
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi, and Jeb
Best Of Didga [Did-ja] the CAT - I've been filming Didga doing all sorts of amazing things for the last 7 years, all that footage was spread out between my social accounts, I've compiled all the best clips into this one video. Didga has a very high food drive, and I'm a professional animal trainer (purrfect combo) she is helping me spread the word about being a responsible cat parent. She's from the shelter y'all ADOPT DON'T SHOP! Thanks for following my cats
2021 Australian Firefighter CAT calendar w/Didga & Bindi https://partner.australianfirefighterscalendar.com/
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/catmantoo/
TUTORIALS - https://www.patreon.com/catmantoo
SUBSCRIBE - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
FACEBOOK - http://tinyurl.com/pcwrjac
Most of the video was shot with GoPro https://gopro.com/en/us/
Thanks, Alan Daxon for providing some footage https://www.instagram.com/daxon/
MERCH - https://teespring.com/stores/catmantoo
Learn more about my cats, training, how it all started, and more...I answer FAQ's on my website http://www.catmantoo.info/
Thanks for all the support
Robert, Didga, Boomer, Bindi, and Jeb
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