Hi, my name's Chris Poole and I'm a crazy cat guy! (and proud of it) … I'm also owned by internet kitties Cole & Marmalade. This channel will be full of clips of the dynamic duo, along with so much more, like vlogs, cat rescue, BIG cat videos, animal welfare vids and reviews. I hope you enjoy the videos and as always thanks fur watching :) Contact me: [email protected]
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This is one of the Tabby boys that we feed on our property, of course I got them neutered and they have lots of shelters (and also enjoy catnip toys if you want to see those videos?)
This is why barn cat programs are so great for feral cats, they help keep your property pest free!
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#Cat #Rat #BarnCat #PestControl
Here's some clips from the past year in the rescue world, thanks as always fur the support!
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This cute kitten was found all alone hiding under construction pallets in a hotel pool area, luckily my long arms and cat like reflexes made the rescue pretty easy!
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#KittenRescue #CuteKitten #CatManChris
3 Very vocal kittens I rescued from a trailer park patiently waiting for breakfast!
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#CatManChris #FosterKittens #Meow
Did you know only 1 in 4 kittens born outside will survive past 6 months of age?! … This is why it’s SO important to spay and neuter, Suds was definitely a lucky black kitten, we saved her form living her life on the streets, now she has a loving home where she will be safe
Thanks as always fur the support!
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#KittenRescue #BlackKitten #CatManChris
When I saw the photo of this cat sheltering in the drain, I knew we had to get him help immediately!
I’m so thankful to Paw Warriors: https://pawwarrior.wixsite.com/paw-warriors for their help with Charlie and for giving him “The Best of the Rest”
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#CatRescue #CatTransformation #CatManChris
This poor cat had been suffering for SO long, I'm glad I spotted him and helped him on his road to recovery!
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#CatManChris #CatRescue #Transformation
Did you know 75% of kittens born outside die or disappear before they're 6 months old?!
Purrlease SPAY AND NEUTER your cats and community cats... this is a big animal welfare issue, but it's one we can so easily help bring to a end!
#SpayAndNeuter #Kittens #CatManChris
We’ll never know the full story of where this little lady came from, but we’re pretty certain she was a RTF kitten here in Tampa, where they are released in the area that they were trapped in before going to the county shelter.
Rules vary across the country, you can learn more here: https://humanepro.org/return-to-field
I believe Return To Field makes sense for adult truly feral cats that were already surviving outside, they can be spayed/neutered/vaccinated and returned, but kittens that are only 2+ months old and are just scared out of their mind in a noisy shelter setting being deemed “feral”… we are truly failing them, what do YOU think?
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#KittenRescue #CatManChris #ScaredKitten
Sometimes with younger kittens who are too light to set off the traps, the easiest thing to do is to get grabbin'! ... All the Moms and other adult cats at these locations were also trapped and spayed or neutered to prevent more kittens being born on the streets :)
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