I love making Rare and Ridiculous videos! Proud member and CEO of Team RAR! Check out my vlog channel, Carter's Life!! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@CartersLife Check out my YouTube Shorts channel!! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/c/CarterSharerShorts SHOP NOW 🔥 👉🏻 www.TeamRAR.com
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I Survived $1 vs $100,000 Airbnb’s!! Carter Sharer @CarterSharer stayed at a $1 a night Airbnb, while Ryan Prunty @RyanPrunty and Bailey Payne @baileypayne stayed at a $100,000 a night Airbnb! Will Carter’s cheap tiny home Airbnb be worth more than a $1 hotel? Will Ryan and Bailey’s stay at the $100,000 Airbnb mansion live up to the Team RAR Mansion name? With Lamborghinis, Tesla Cybertrucks, Monster Trucks, Jet skis, and a personal butler, the world’s most expensive Airbnb has to be worth the price! Watch until the end to see if Carter gives the world’s weirdest Airbnb hotel 5 stars. Comment down below if you want to see more OMG airbnb’s, 1 star vs. 5 star hotels, and $1 vs. $100,000 AirBnb’s!!
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Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
I Tried Every Airbnb Category https://youtu.be/9ZXzsjeRtdk?si=MWJGbsOdgqYj0KsU
Goodbye for now... https://youtu.be/0OO22Yv06C0?si=Rm-mfHtG6C7JRgH3
Carter Sharer got ARRESTED https://youtu.be/nr-llL0JGmo?si=uEcWLGn24nkMp1zA
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
I got RAIDED by the FBI...and I got arrested!! Recently, Carter Sharer @CarterSharer bought a STOLEN school bus from a Facebook Marketplace Scammer, then road tripped the stolen bus OVER 500 MILES, from Stephen Sharer’s @StephenSharer mansion and the Sharer Fam House, to the Team RAR Mansion! Then, the police and FBI showed up, and the FBI raided the Team RAR Mansion! Will Carter spend the night in jail, or did Grace Sharer @GRACESHARER cover for him? Will Carter Sharer’s stolen school bus ever be returned to its owner? Will the stolen school bus police chase FBI manhunt ever end? Watch until the end to find out, and don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT if you want to see more Carter Sharer arrested content!
For legal purposes, the content in this video is fiction. Do not attempt to recreate or reenact what you see in this video.
🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► https://www.teamrar.com/
Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
Police SHOWED UP and ARRESTED ME for THIS?!... https://youtu.be/gQBhPwGpEZI?si=0LppGIqTi6ortxtl
I Got Arrested Again… (BREAKING NEWS) https://youtu.be/7trrVnO5Fp4?si=pCrjRBAD_a6B8QCL
I STOLE A School Bus and RAN from POLICE!! https://youtu.be/BD1cVSrIjSM?si=37Ji4pahS_kvxmLW
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
I Drove a STOLEN School Bus over 500 MILES to the Team RAR Mansion!! In the last video, Carter Sharer @CarterSharer bought a stolen school bus from a facebook marketplace scammer. Now, Carter Share and Matt Norloff @RareandRidiculous have to get it home!! Carter drives this stolen schoolbus from Stephen Sharer’s @StephenSharer Mansion to the Sharer Fam house to show Mama Sharer and Grace Sharer @GRACESHARER - then takes a School Bus roadtrip to the Team RAR Mansion @teamrar6854!! There are so many cops on the road, will any of the police pull over this stolen school bus? Will Carter Sharer find himself in a school bus police chase?? Stay tuned to find out, and don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT what school bus challenge we should do next!! Last to leave school bus? Last to stop riding school bus? You Decide!!
For legal purposes, the content in this video is fiction. Do not attempt to recreate or reenact what you see in this video.
🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► https://www.teamrar.com/
Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
I Found WORMS In Haunted School Bus! https://youtu.be/RxLO6uS4hhM?si=s_q_QuTfc4JlcTWM
Don’t do this with your monster truck https://youtu.be/J99w0Az4JIk?si=KglDYz0cP0gy0yO6
I Bought a STOLEN School Bus!! https://youtu.be/EUnJwPjWQdE?si=85PBb45w4W-_oKpr
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
I STOLE A School Bus!! Carter Sharer @CarterSharer bought a school bus from a mysterious man… and it might be STOLEN! Carter and Matt @RareandRidiculous travel from the Team RAR Mansion, to Stephen Sharer’s @StephenSharer Mansion, where they meet a Facebook Marketplace scammer, and buy a STOLEN BUS. Is this school bus adventure worth the crime, or is this just another Carter Sharer prank? Can Carter Sharer get away in this stolen school bus, or will a school bus police chase ensue? These facebook marketplace scammers and craigslist scammers are NO JOKE. Comment what school bus videos you want to see next, and don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!!
For legal purposes, the content in this video is fiction. Do not attempt to recreate or reenact what you see in this video.
🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► https://www.teamrar.com/
Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
I Survived The World's STRICTEST School! https://youtu.be/LnVfvz_CJ1o?si=K6yJlNPj7ONqgAeg
I Found A Haunted School Bus In My Backyard! https://youtu.be/NFlNqf6YVBk?si=yh5RGkAw8u-EAWzT
My $3.2 MILLION Car Collection!! *Full Tour* https://youtu.be/MO3-NdHoJrc?si=mtBTHAcSvFCNER9R
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
I Drove My Snowmobile to McDonald's… IN A BLIZZARD!! Carter Sharer drove his snow mobile to McDonalds, Starbucks, and ALL OVER TOWN in a once in a lifetime snowstorm!! Carter Sharer @CarterSharer, Stephen Sharer @StephenSharer, and Grace Sharer @GRACESHARER race from the Team RAR Mansion to the Sharer Fam house to protect Mama Sharer from the EPIC icy downfall! This snowmobile on the street is INSANELY fast, and speeds right by the Tesla Cybertruck in a snow storm! Watch and see if the snowmobile jet ski can take on fast food in the blistering cold, or if the Tesla Cyber Truck gets stuck in the deep snow. Comment your favorite motovlog moment and your favorite snow day activity down below, and don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!
🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► https://www.teamrar.com/
Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
I Filled my ENTIRE House with Snow *don’t try this* https://youtu.be/jIvVbyHl8eA?si=R4x_ktO5AkVEr8Jk
My Cybertruck Got Stuck In A MASSIVE Blizzard! https://youtu.be/MF2zbkxBl1U?si=JGaMCTnJciWFAXbv
I Bought A Lamborghini SNOWMOBILE!! https://youtu.be/UQ5HUwDGCys?si=UwM4mmF9Qc6TEkIX
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
I own over $3.2 MILLION worth of cars and I'm going to show you ALL OF THEM! Carter Sharer @CarterSharer, Bailey Payne @baileypayne, and Ryan Prunty @RyanPrunty walk through EVERY vehicle at the TEAM RAR Mansion, PLUS the INSANE cost of all the sports cars and super cars in Carter Sharers car collection. This 2025 car tour has EVERYTHING, including a Lamborghini Aventador, Hummer H1, Hummer Monster Truck, Team RAR Limo, Team RAR Monster Truck, mini underwater Jeep, Yellow Tesla Cybertruck, Blue Tesla Cyber Truck, Mini Tesla Cybertruck, Underwater Hummer, Boat car, 1964 Volkswagon Dune Buggy, a motorcycle jetski, stand up jetskis, flying jetskis, Helicopter, AND SO MUCH MORE!! What Last To Leave and Last To Stop Riding videos do you want to see with these WILD cars from this vehicle tour and celebrity car collection? Be sure to COMMENT you're favorite down below, and don't forget to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!
🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► https://www.teamrar.com/
Team RAR
4501 New Bern Ave
Suite 130, Box # 360
Raleigh NC, 27610
SUPERCAR COLLECTION FULL TOUR! https://youtu.be/068Ll5jowCM?si=S7sIr0BVpdivcric
Driving my Monster Truck on Public Roads until I get Arrested https://youtu.be/J99w0Az4JIk?si=w-ctEztrI7geUBUF
The Insane Cost of My $2,000,000 Car Collection!! https://youtu.be/-OPXcwl0AyM
📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📱TIKTOK → @realcartersharer https://www.tiktok.com/@realcartersharer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]
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