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Caroline Girvan
  • Category: Sports
  • Country: United Kingdom

Hello, and welcome! I'm Caroline Girvan, Certified Personal Trainer, MNU Certified Nutritionist, and Pre and Postnatal Specialist. My story began in my actual home in 2020, where it was just me, my dumbbells, and my phone. Fast forward, and now we are over 2 million strong! Every day, every session, it has all been part of our shared journey towards growth. Now, I'm also excited to welcome you to my new digital home, CGX. With exclusive workouts and fresh content, it's a space where we can explore, learn, challenge, and build a stronger body and mind together. Education empowers us, and empowerment builds self-confidence. So, expect to learn as we train! We'll cover training fundamentals, spicing things up to keep it fun. As a mother, ultra runner, triathlete, and someone striving to be the best version of myself, I'm passionate about sharing my journey with you. I hope you'll find it inspiring as you navigate your own path. Are you ready? Let's go! Cx

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personal growth workout routines strength training nutrition tips pre and postnatal fitness mental well-being ultra running triathlon training

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Caroline Girvan Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Caroline Girvan have?
Caroline Girvan has 3.6M subscribers. Caroline Girvan has had 614.8M total views.
How many views does Caroline Girvan get per video?
Caroline Girvan gets 960.6K views per episode on average. Caroline Girvan has published 640 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Caroline Girvan YouTube channel?
You can visit the Caroline Girvan YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Caroline Girvan mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Caroline Girvan belong to?
Caroline Girvan belongs to the Sports category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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