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Cardboard Design
  • Category: How to and Style
  • Country: United States

Welcome To My Channel . The world is interesting and lovely. We love the world and we love making realistic little things, miniature houses and all the other little things. We want to share our masterpieces with people around the world! "We conceptualize and design cute cardboard houses and Recycled items. I wanted to share my story, wanted to create something cute for the world and bring you new things. something new. Relaxing moments with our videos. I also want to teach you to do something cute, bring the best to the world, bring you great videos! We specialize in creating tiny houses and cute little gadgets with easy-to-find materials. Let's make beautiful little houses with us. Our Chanel Not suitable for children 13 years and under. Thank you and please subscribe to my channel.

diy miniature diy miniature cardboard house cardboard house how to make hamter house pet house how to build

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How many subscribers does Cardboard Design have?
Cardboard Design has 3.7M subscribers. Cardboard Design has had 1.3B total views.
How many views does Cardboard Design get per video?
Cardboard Design gets 1.6M views per episode on average. Cardboard Design has published 791 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Cardboard Design YouTube channel?
You can visit the Cardboard Design YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Cardboard Design mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Cardboard Design belong to?
Cardboard Design belongs to the How to and Style category, and the creators are from United States.

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