I'm Caddy, I do long stupid videos where I run over my own head and drown myself Please ⓢⓤⓑⓢ©ⓡⓘⓑⓔ and don’t forget to hit that bell. Any business inquiries can be made to my email address at [email protected]
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Crash Bash is a good game. Thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring! Don’t forget to play for free on PC, PlayStation or Xbox now by using my link: https://playwt.link/caddicarus AND GET YOUR CADDY SLEEPS 2-IN-1 HOODIE PLUSH HERE === https://caddicarus.com ▼ MORE BELOW ▼
CADDY MERCH (including the 'Every Month is Bandicoot Month' tee): https://pixelempire.com/Caddy
Thank you to Olly Ross for all the filming in this video = https://www.youtube.com/OllyRoss
Thank you to JetPackBraggin for the thumbnails = https://www.twitch.tv/JetPackBraggin
Thank you to Tee Lopes for the theme song = https://www.youtube.com/TeeLopes
Thank you to Crisppyboat for the intro and logo = https://twitter.com/CrisppyBoat
PATREON! (early access videos, no ads, credit mentions…) = http://www.patreon.com/caddicarus
TWITCH! = http://www.twitch.tv/Caddicarus
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LETTERBOXD MOVIE REVIEWS! = http://www.letterboxd.com/Caddicarus
TWITTER! = http://www.twitter.com/Caddicarus
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Caddicarus Crash Bash. Crash Bash Caddicarus. Ever since the original game review when Caddy still did game reviews very similar to JonTron back in 2012 up until Caddy Plays Crash Bash where he got to Crash Bash 200 percent by not even doing a Crash Bash speedrun or a Crash Bash speed run, everyone hasn't been able to remove the relationship between Caddy and the worst Crash Bandicoot party game Crash Bash. Actually that's too harsh, I'd say one of the worst Crash Bandicoot games from the void of bad Crash Bandicoot games is probably Crash Boom Bang DS gameplay and Crash Boom Bang DS review, but after going for the Crash Bash ending by completing Crash Bash, you'll see exactly why it's as hated as it is. Going after all crystals and all gems and all gold relics and all platinum relics is going to be explained in agonizing detail during this video, and you'll see all of the worst crystal challenges, worst gem challenges and worst relic challenges. In this Crash Bash review with Crash Bash gameplay you'll see lots of Crash Bash PS1 on the original PlayStation. Arguably too much PS1. I played the entire game on my region free PS2 for the most authentic experience and not emulated at all, meaning I had to sit there through all of the Crash Bash loading music as it read it raw from the disc itself - and despite everything I do in this video, the Crash Bash region differences did allow for me to use Crash Bash cheat codes or Crash Bash cheats that only work via the original first edition Crash Bash PAL black label copy. However, you can also use the Crash Bash demo cheat to gain access to the Crash Bash full game and see the Crash Bash all minigames - doable either from the Spyro 3 Crash Bash demo with the Spyro 3 cheat codes and Spyro 3 cheats, or the classic PS1 demo disc music on the PS1 demo disc Crash Bandicoot method in order to access the Crash Bash debug menu. Luckily at least the Crash Bash music on Crash Bash PS1 is great stuff and I recommend you searching for the Crash Bash OST whenever you can to hear how good it is - I just do NOT recommend you trying to get Crash Bash 200 or Crash Bash 200%. Actually scratch that, don't even try Crash Bash 100% and Crash Bash 100. It's not worth it, not even with the Crash Bash 2 player adventure mode to get you the very few unique Crash Bash cutscenes and 1 additional bonus boss level from the Crash Bash all bosses after Crash Bash Oxide Ride should close the whole game off. I am done with Crash Bash and I can't wait to just go back to any Mario Party - whether it be Mario Party N64 or Mario Party 2 N64 or Mario Party 3 N64, or even the newest ones on the Nintendo Switch such as Mario Party Superstars or the upcoming Mario games Super Mario Party Jamboree review. I can recommend literally ANY party game over this, even Sonic Shuffle gameplay from Sonic Shuffle Dreamcast. If you look at another Crash Bandicoot review online featuring Crash Bandicoot gameplay you may even notice that much like the N Sane Trilogy not made by Naughty Dog, Crash Bash Remake should exist. I don't think it should happen - no Crash Bash PS4 or Crash Bash PS5 or even a Crash Bash 2 - let it go. I wasn't even that into Crash Team Rumble gameplay and so didn't bother with a Crash Team Rumble review. Yes, I said Crash Team Rumble and not Crash Team Racing PS1 with Crash Team Racing gameplay - one of the best PlayStation games of all time. I don't think Crash Bash is one of the worst PlayStation games of all times but as far as retro games go in the retro gaming community, until you've tried to complete Crash Bash, you have no idea. Cortex.
Watch more comedy game reviews and playstation games like my Crash Bash review for the ps1 on my channel! | Caddicarus
#crashbandicoot #playstation #ps1
Help Spons get back in his egg from these horror games and download Honkai: Star Rail using my link: https://hoyo.link/a6ceFDCL , and get an extra 50 Stellar Jades using redeem code: KBQBEP3L8823 . Thanks to Honkai: Star Rail for sponsoring this video!
Are you ready for my best horror games on YouTube?
Thank you to Olly Ross for all the filming in this video = https://www.youtube.com/OllyRoss
Thank you to JetPackBraggin for the thumbnails = https://www.twitch.tv/JetPackBraggin
Thank you to Tee Lopes for the theme song = https://www.youtube.com/TeeLopes
Thank you to Crisppyboat for the intro and logo = https://twitter.com/CrisppyBoat
PATREON! (early access videos, no ads, credits, exclusive videos…) = http://www.patreon.com/caddicarus
TWITCH! = http://www.twitch.tv/Caddicarus
INSTAGRAM! = http://www.instagram.com/caddicarus
LETTERBOXD MOVIE REVIEWS! = http://www.letterboxd.com/Caddicarus
TWITTER! = http://www.twitter.com/Caddicarus
TUMBLR! = http://thecaddicarus.tumblr.com
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Don't forget to join the channel right here = https://www.youtube.com/user/Caddicarus?sub_confirmation=1 🔔 AND PLEASE HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL! 🔔
Back in the PlayStation days we all had Resident Evil PS1 and Silent Hill PS1 to play and talk about in terms of viral video games. The most viral videos of the week didn’t exist, maybe even the concept of funny viral videos or scary viral videos didn’t exist either. But then all of a sudden, YouTube happened, and then the biggest let’s play channels kicked off into the stratosphere with a horror game playthrough. JackSepticEye horror games and Markiplier horror games compilation videos and walkthrough videos went massive and caused a new surge of the best indie games of all time, or in some cases the worst indie games of all time, to come up into the spotlight - which leads us to today’s Caddy video. Amnesia the Dark Descent reaction videos and Amnesia walkthrough videos showing Amnesia the Dark Descent gameplay were one of the first indie horror games to go viral from PewDiePie and every other giant streamer, and eventually this lead to Amnesia the Dark Descent review videos and then even more free horror games getting popularity - but why? Jim Caddick is going to try answering that question, badly. But by trying that he will show off SCP Containment Breach walkthrough and SCP Containment Breach review alongside every SCP Containment Breach jump scare and more underground classics like Yume Nikki review and Yume Nikki soundtrack - and who can possibly forget the infamous Slender Man, or Slenderman, depending on where you see him in the world of scariest creepypastas and other creepypasta reading channels. Slender the Eight Pages full game and Slender the 8 Pages walkthrough videos went viral too, and Caddty even did a Slender review back in 2012. It was terrible, don’t watch it. He was scared of slenderman. Luckily though he isn’t anymore, and also isn’t freaked out by Slender the Arrival review and Slender the Arrival walkthrough, it’s just another jumpscare game fad. But then it all rounds off eventually with a trip down Outlast review with Outlast gameplay and Outlast walkthrough for PS4 and Xbox, and then the one we’re all waiting for, Five Nights at Freddy’s. Or FNAF review, if you want to get lazy. And I am lazy - so FNAF 1, FNAF 2 and FNAF 3 it is. We haven’t got time to spell the whole FNAF gameplay words out, the FNAF movie trailer is out and the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie itself is now out in cinemas. Go and watch the Five Nights and Freddy’s trailer, see what you think. And maybe Spons will ruin everything as he always does, what is Caddicarus Spons anyway? There’ll also be FNAF 2 review and FNAF 3 review - you could almost look at it like a Five Nights at Freddy’s retrospective, or FNAF retrospective. I don’t like that word. I’m calling them FANF. Leave me alone. Happy Halloween - I haven’t done a Caddicarus Halloween Special for many years and I hope it’s everything you wanted.
Watch more comedy game reviews like my horror game review on my channel! | Caddicarus
#caddicarus #horrorgaming #gaming #fnaf
Caddy forgot how to play games and is watching TV instead. Check out World of Tanks PC with code TANKMANIA here: https://tanks.ly/43ZGpoO and Check out World of Tanks Console with code WOTMA15 here: https://wotc.gg/Caddicarus_SignUp Sponsored by Wargaming *Benefits of codes only available to new players
Thank you to Olly Ross for all the filming in this video = https://www.youtube.com/OllyRoss
Thank you to JetPackBraggin for the thumbnails = https://www.twitch.tv/JetPackBraggin
Thank you to Tee Lopes for the theme song = https://www.youtube.com/TeeLopes
Thank you to Crisppyboat for the intro and logo = https://twitter.com/CrisppyBoat
Thank you to Xploshi for the melting Caddy effect = https://www.youtube.com/Xploshi
PATREON! (early access videos, no ads, credits, exclusive videos…) = http://www.patreon.com/caddicarus
TWITCH! = http://www.twitch.tv/Caddicarus
INSTAGRAM! = http://www.instagram.com/caddicarus
LETTERBOXD MOVIE REVIEWS! = http://www.letterboxd.com/Caddicarus
TWITTER! = http://www.twitter.com/Caddicarus
TUMBLR! = http://thecaddicarus.tumblr.com
FACEBOOK! = http://www.facebook.com/Caddicarus
Don't forget to join the channel right here = https://www.youtube.com/user/Caddicarus?sub_confirmation=1 🔔 AND PLEASE HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL! 🔔
Who remembers video game trailers? I don’t mean the PS5 trailer or Xbox trailer that you’d see today - they used to put new game trailers on TV. And in print for video game magazines, but that didn’t sound good as a title. Join Caddy as he dives into video game commercials from all of your favorites - Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, Microsoft, Sega - the lot. Some of the video game adverts are for consoles, some of the video game ads are for games. Some of the video game TV adverts are region exclusive such as Japanese, and some of the video game TV ads are supposed to be for games or consoles but then end up being the trippiest commercials or even the scariest commercials for absolutely no reason. Nintendo commercials are usually safe aside from exceptions like the Yoshi’s Island commercial, and PlayStation go all out crazy with most of their commercials and printed magazine ads like with the PSP dust balls, the PS3 baby, the PSP squirrels and all of the David Lynch PS2 commercials. Nintendo Power magazine had some creative and sometimes scary adverts, but the UK never got Nintendo Power, so I didn’t get to see any of them. We got some terrible Sega commercials in the UK though, so enjoy that, just like the Sega CD commercial. There’s a Sonic McDonald’s commercial, the infamous Mighty No. 9 trailer, an awful 3 minute long Hey You Pikachu commercial, it never stops. You’d think there’d be some good ones in here like the original D3ad Island trailer and the Nintendo Wii Wii Would Like to Play commercials and the Halo 3 trailer with Chopin in the background - and no. They get passing mentions, since we’re mostly talking about the bad ones. Sorry about that. There’s even a few banned commercials in here too, from Call of Duty banned commercial to D3ad or Alive banned commercial to Resident Evil 4 banned commercial. Then there’s the silly ones like Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2. Either way, please enjoy. I know I did.
Watch more comedy game reviews like my video game commercials review on my channel! | Caddicarus
#Commercials #Toonami #Nintendo #Playstation #nintendopower
Now I've shown you how I do things, it's time to do Spyro. I like doing. Level up your tech accessories with Casetify! Go to http://www.casetify.com/caddy today to save 15% off your order! Thanks to Casetify for sponsoring this video! ▼ MORE BELOW ▼
Special thanks to https://twitter.com/JetpackBraggin for the incredible thumbnail art, and https://twitter.com/TeeLopes for the intro jingle remix!
PATREON! (early access videos, no ads, credits, exclusive videos…) = http://www.patreon.com/caddicarus
TWITCH! = http://www.twitch.tv/Caddicarus
INSTAGRAM! = http://www.instagram.com/caddicarus
LETTERBOXD MOVIE REVIEWS! = http://www.letterboxd.com/Caddicarus
TWITTER! = http://www.twitter.com/Caddicarus
CHEAP GAMES (sometimes less than $1!) EVERY 24 HOURS! = https://caddicarus.chrono.gg/
TUMBLR! = http://thecaddicarus.tumblr.com
FACEBOOK! = http://www.facebook.com/Caddicarus
Don't forget to join the channel right here = https://www.youtube.com/user/Caddicarus?sub_confirmation=1 🔔 AND PLEASE HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL! 🔔
How do I do things as a YouTuber? Let's find out. Watch in horror as Caddy shows you the process of how an average Caddicarus video is made. In this special Caddicarus behind the scenes episode, you'll see the video editing software he uses, the camera he uses, the microphone he uses, game capture, and even his streaming fails. How long does it take to make a video, where do I film, is Olly even a real person - all of this AND MORE will become clear after this special World Of video showing you how its made - a day in the life of a YouTuber. This is very similar to when Cinemassacre did a how its made video, isn't it. Sorry AVGN behind the scenes fans, I'll make it up to you. This is how I make YouTube videos. Oh, and there'll also be an exclusive special one-off mini Caddicarus video all about Family Feud PS1 featuring Family Feud PS1 gameplay and a Family Feud PS1 review. I don't think I'll ever be in a position to actually make a segment about Family Fortunes on this channel, so I figured this video would be best. I hope you enjoyed this overly complicated a day in the life of Caddicarus and show just how much effort is put into being a youtuber, just like all the others I follow like Jirard The Completionist, Didyouknowgaming, and PeanutButterGamer.
Caddicarus logo by Jan Animation = https://www.youtube.com/user/jananimationstudios
OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = http://vimeo.com/ollyross
Peek into the life of a youtuber with my Caddicarus behind the scenes! Watch more comedy game reviews like my Crash Bandicoot review on my channel below! | Caddicarus
#caddicarus #YouTuber #VideoEditing #GameCapture #MyLife
17 Kinect Games. 1 tired Caddy. Thanks to Displate for their patience with my PC issues, and for sponsoring this video! Make sure to check them out and GET MY EXCLUSIVE PRINT HERE: https://displate.com/caddicarus/displates?art=6049a1ce7270d ▼ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ▼
PATREON! (early access videos, no ads, credits, exclusive videos…) = http://www.patreon.com/caddicarus
TWITCH! = http://www.twitch.tv/Caddicarus
INSTAGRAM! = http://www.instagram.com/caddicarus
LETTERBOXD MOVIE REVIEWS! = http://www.letterboxd.com/Caddicarus
TWITTER! = http://www.twitter.com/Caddicarus
CHEAP GAMES (sometimes less than $1!) EVERY 24 HOURS! = https://caddicarus.chrono.gg/
TUMBLR! = http://thecaddicarus.tumblr.com
FACEBOOK! = http://www.facebook.com/Caddicarus
Special thanks to https://twitter.com/JetpackBraggin for the incredible thumbnail art!
Don't forget to join the channel right here = https://www.youtube.com/user/Caddicarus?sub_confirmation=1 🔔 AND PLEASE HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL! 🔔
Well then - here we are, everyone. Caddicarus is FINALLY back in the first Caddicarus episode of 2021. I know it’s April, but as many of you already know, my PC problems have been unbelievable all year. So what better way to come back than with some of the worst games ever made? More specifically - worst Kinect games ever made? From Harry Potter to Star Wars and Sonic the Hedgehog to Steel Battalion - yes - we’re going to be going through a dumpload of Microsoft Kinect games for the Xbox 360, and looking at some of the worst Kinect games of all time. Which is weird, since despite all of the Kinect E3 cringe and Kinect reveal during the Project Natal release - and all of the lies surrounding Project Milo, Star Wars, Kinectimals and SO much more - the Kinect technology became a huge success for Microsoft, and is being continued to this day with Xbox One systems - even though the Xbox One reveal with always-on Kinect was one of the worst things Microsoft ever did. You’ve all seen the Crowbcat Kinect video, it’s called the dark age of Xbox for a reason.There may be some gems in there such as The Gunstringer review with Gunstringer gameplay and even the Kinect Sports review and Kinect Adventures review with Kinect Sports gameplay and Kinect Adventures gameplay - but then we have the other Xbox 360 Kinect games. Kinect Star Wars review with Kinect Star Wars gameplay. Kinect Disneyland Adventures review with Disneyland gameplay. Kinect Harry Potter review with Harry Potter Kinect gameplay. Sonic Free Riders review with Sonic Free Riders gameplay. Rise of Nightmares review with Rise of Nightmares gameplay. Hulk Hogan’s Main Event. Raving Rabbids. Toy Story Mania. Star Wars Kinect. Oh wait, I already said that one. JonTron did that one already, right? Anyway, don’t expect to see any walkthrough or guide especially for the more linear adventures like Rise of Nightmares - and don’t expect an Angry Joe rant with Angry Joe Kinect review videos - this is me, this is 17 Xbox games using awful motion controls, and all we have left is Galactic Dance Off. Sorry, no Michael Jackson Experience or Fantasia Music Evolved here - copyright isn’t fun.
Caddicarus 8bit themes by Endigo = https://www.youtube.com/user/Endigo
Caddicarus logo by Jan Animation = https://www.youtube.com/user/jananimationstudios/videos
Kevin MacLeod's royalty free music! = http://incompetech.com
OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = https://www.youtube.com/SuperOllyRoss
Watch more comedy game reviews like my Xbox 360 Kinect review on my channel! | Caddicarus
#Kinect #KinectGames #Xbox #XboxKinect #KinectSports
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