Busy Beavers Create Fantastic, Fun Childrens' Educational Videos that get Kids Speaking & Singing. Babies, Toddlers, Kindergarten Kids, ESL English Students, Daycare & Preschool Teachers + Moms & Dads Love Busy Beavers Kids Videos. Our Videos have been seen on YouTube over 3 BILLION Times! Busy Beavers Combine Catchy Melodies, Colorful Characters & Repetition to Teach the Global Kindergarten Curriculum Including: The Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Sharing, Caring & More.
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Kids Learn the English Alphabet in this 70 Minute Busy Beavers TV Show tailored to Teach the ABCs, Letter Sounds, Phonics & More. Billy & Betty Beaver appear in 2D, 3D & Puppets to Teach Toddlers Catchy Alphabet Songs, Colours, Shapes, Nursery Rhymes & Simple Spanish. This Funny, Safe, Stream gets Toddlers Singing the ABCs.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
00:00 Alphabet Phonics Song 3
3:14 Alphabet Puzzle A - Z
6:38 All About Love
9:08 Princess ABCs "ABC Shake"
12:07 Fishing for the Letter A
13:24 Sing the Alphabet
15:13 Alphabet Tea Set Letter B
16:37 Super Circus 3D Fruit Apples
17:31 Count to 10 in Spanish
18:07 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
22:44 Colors of the Alphabet A, B, C
24:20 Pink Balloon Goes Pop
25:49 Super Circus 3D Fruit Oranges
27:06 Five Yellow Birds
28:46 Painting the Letter C
30:21 Christmas ABCs
32:36 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow"
35:39 Learn Shape Names in Spanish
36:37 Colors of the Alphabet D, E, F
38:16 Super Circus 3D Fruit Strawberries
39:30 Stevie Steamer Counting Vegetables
42:44 Counting the Alphabet
45:05 Alphabet Balloon Letter D
45:57 Wheels on the Bus (All through the Town)
48:14 Halloween ABCs
50:45 The Shark is Blue
51:01 Learning the Letter E
52:16 Here Comes my Baby
55:37 Colors of the Alphabet G, H
56:57 Learn the Letter F
57:51 Learn to Fly (Song)
1:00:16 Princess ABCs Show #1
1:04:07 Ever Blink ABCs
1:05:37 I Love to Sing the ABCs
1:08:26 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #ABCSong #AlphabetSong
Busy Beavers Super Circus 3D is back with more Musical Mayhem in "Fruit Smash". This High-Flying Adventure Features the Beavers in the exciting Super Circus world with Apples, Oranges, Bananas and Strawberries. The rest of this 70 Minute Busy Beavers TV Show Teaches Fruit names, counting fruits, counting in Spanish, the Alphabet, Colours and more.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
00:00 Super Circus 3D Fruit Smash
03:46 Island Fruits Groove
06:47 Find the Apple
07:18 The Apple is Red (Remix)
09:45 Colors of the Alphabet A,B,C
11:46 Counting the Alphabet
14:50 Colors of the ABCs Letter A
16:09 Five Little Fruits
18:30 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow"
22:07 Wheels on the Bus (All Day Long Version)
23:50 Stevie Steamer Counting Fruit
27:06 Super Circus 3D Fruit Smash (Apples Clip)
28:00 Apples Are Yummy
30:58 Find the Orange
31:49 The Orange is Orange
34:20 Super Circus 3D Fruit Smash (Oranges & Bananas Clip)
35:37 Let's Count to 10 in Spanish
36:13 Count to 10 Song
38:18 Learn the Alphabet with Wooden Puzzle
41:40 Here Comes My Baby
44:19 Let's Make a Fruit Salad
46:06 Super Circus 3D Fruit Smash (Strawberries Clip)
47:20 Sing the Alphabet
49:52 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
54:22 I Like Purple
56:09 Surfin' the ABCs
57:58 Let's Count to 10
1:00:47 Take a Bath Song
1:03:49 Colors of the Alphabet J,K
1:05:12 Five Little Monsters
1:07:10 Five Little Ducks (Canon)
1:09:56 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #SuperCircus3D #KidsSongs
Busy Beavers Teach Children Important Values such as Helping, Creating, Healthy Eating & Playing Outside. Our Latest Release "All About Love" from our "Birds Songs for Toddlers" Album Teaches Life Lessons & Love. The rest of this 70 Minute Video Teaches ABCs, Animals, Counting in English and Spanish, Telling the Time and much more. Try it with your Child or Students and they'll Learn while they Sing.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
0:00 All About Love
01:37 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
06:10 Five Little Animals
08:51 Super Circus 3D Color Cars Jump Betty Pink
09:32 Pink Balloon Goes Pop
11:00 What Color is the Shark? Pink
11:16 Super Circus 3D Monster Trucks
11:39 Stevie Steamer Counting Vegetables
15:14 Counting the Alphabet
17:34 Super Circus 3D Color Cars Jump Alfie Yellow
18:29 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow"
21:11 Learning Yellow School Bus
21:54 Colors of the Alphabet ABC
23:29 Super Circus 3D Alphabet Buses
24:05 Wheels on the Bus Song (All through the town Version)
25:51 Let's Count to 10 in Spanish
26:26 Finger Family Sharks
27:28 Count to 10 Song
29:09 Learn Shapes in Spanish
30:47 Princess ABCs "ABC Shake"
33:25 Learn All About Apples
33:58 Here Comes My Baby
36:32 Tea Set Learning Red Letter C
37:56 What Time is it? Song (Club Singalong Version)
40:25 Princess 123s Sings to 30
43:11 Learn All About Bananas
43:48 In On Under Song (3D Version)
46:58 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Purple Car
47:44 The Color Game (from English Level 1)
52:41 The Apple is Red
54:46 Play the Alphabet on the Piano
56:43 Alphabet Phonics Puzzle Letter C for Car
57:55 Princess 123s Show #1 Learn Numbers
1:01:46 Colors of the Alphabet Letters OPQ
1:03:22 Learn to Fly (Song)
1:05:21 Kids Go Play Outside (Song)
1:07:35 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #AllAboutLove #KidsSongs
Learn to Sing the Alphabet with "Christmas ABCs". Busy Beavers Collected 70 Minutes of their Most Famous Classic Christmas Songs, Lessons & Games for Babies, Toddlers & Young Learners. With a focus on Reciting the Alphabet this Video will Engage Children while Teaching the ABCs, Colors & Happy Holiday Melodies.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
0:00 Christmas ABCs
02:06 Alphabet Phonics Song 2
05:30 It's Santa
08:10 Learn the Alphabet with Wooden Puzzle
11:36 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Red Car
12:20 Busy Beavers at Christmas Time Song
15:25 Jingle Bells
18:16 Super Circus Christmas
18:49 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
23:25 Princess ABCs "ABC Shake"
26:23 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Green Car
27:02 If You Believe in Santa Claus
29:44 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
33:30 Super Circus Olympics Whale Jump
34:02 Counting Reindeer
37:49 Sing the Alphabet
39:39 What Color is the Shark? Red
42:46 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow" Song
45:48 Super Circus Olympics Betty Hamburger Jump
46:09 Fresh Snow Sleigh Ride
49:03 Family Song
50:56 What Color is the Shark? Green
51:12 Learn to Play the Alphabet on the Piano
53:09 Princess Shapes Christmas Shapes Game
57:14 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Pink Car
57:54 Wheels on the Bus 3D (All Day Long)
59:59 The 12 Days of Christmas
1:03:29 I Love to Sing the ABCs
1: 06:18 Doop Dap Christmas Song
1:08:31 The Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #KidsChristmasSongs #ChristmasABCs
"It's Santa" (He's Coming Down the Chimney Tonight) kicks off this Collection of Christmas Classics for Kids. Put on this 70 Minute Christmas Special for your Baby, Toddler or Young Learner & Feel Safe knowing it's packed with Safe, Catchy, Educational Holiday Songs, Lessons & Games by Busy Beavers.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
0:00 It's Santa (He's Coming Down the Chimney Tonight)
02:47 Let's Learn the Alphabet Wooden Puzzle A - Z
06:12 Busy Beavers at Christmas Time
09:30 Jingle Bells
12:21 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Red Car
13:06 If You Believe in Santa Claus
15:58 Sing the Alphabet
17:49 Super Circus Christmas Clip
18:22 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
22:43 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Green Car
23:22 Five Little Animals
26:20 Fresh Snow Sleigh Ride
29:16 Counting Reindeer
32:57 Count to 10
34:38 The Shark is Red
37:15 Colors of the Alphabet ABC
38:50 Counting the Alphabet
41:40 Learn Shapes in Spanish #1
42:06 Pink Balloon Goes Pop
43:50 Princess Shapes Christmas Game
47:51 The Apple is Red
49:53 Super Circus Color Cars Jump Pink Car Betty
50:34 Sing the Alphabet Backwards
52:25 The 12 Days of Christmas
55:55 Princess Shapes Red Heart Song
57:57 Doop Dap Christmas
1:00:11 Wheels on the Bus (All Through the Town)
1:01:57 Colors of the Alphabet DEF
1:03:35 Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme
1:05:47 5 Little Ducks Canon Nursery Rhyme
1:08:33 The Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #KidsChristmasSongs #SantaSong
Busy Beavers teach Toddlers & Preschool Kids to Count 1,2,3,4,5 with this Catchy Song Five Little Animals. This 1 Hour Busy Beavers TV Show is packed with Songs & Lessons that teach Counting in English and Spanish too. Try Busy Beavers in your Home or Classroom with your Young Learners. Our Videos are always Safe, Engaging & Educational. 14 years on YouTube & 3 Billion Views proves Children love learning with Busy Beavers.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing
0:00 Five Little Animals
02:26 Count to 10
04:06 Princess 123s Baby I Love You
07:43 Pink Balloon Goes Pop
09:33 Numbers Chant
11:56 Red Car Song
12:48 Painting Numbers 1 - 10
14:53 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
19:12 Pink Surprise Egg Number 1
20:48 Stevie Steamer Counting Animals
24:47 Colors of the Alphabet A,B,C
26:22 Numbers Spaghetti Blue 2
27:08 Five Yellow Birds
29:22 Here Comes My Baby
31:56 Count to 10 in Spanish
32:32 Counting Oranges
36:07 Sing to 10
37:44 Numbers Tea Set Yellow 3
39:09 Princess 123s I Can Count to 10
42:26 Colors of the Alphabet D,E,F
44:04 Apples Are Yummy
47:09 Numbers Bus
49:19 Princess Colors Hello Yellow
52:23 Numbers Balloons Blue 4
53:19 Five Little Fruits
56:26 Colors of the Alphabet G,H
57:47 Numbers Surprise Yellow 5
58:56 Princess 123s Show #1
1:02:49 I Can Count to 30
1:05:36 5 Little Ducks
1:08:18 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: http://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish, & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #LearnCounting #NumberSongs
Marty the Monkey keeps Popping the Balloons with a Pin in this Cute Song "Pink Balloon Goes Pop" that Teaches Toddlers 4 Color Names Pink, Blue, Red & Green. The rest of this 70 Minute Kids Educational TV Show Teaches Colors, Counting, English Alphabet, Nursery Rhymes, Shapes & More.
We're On Cameo!
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Link: https://cameo.com/busybeavers
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
0:00 Pink Balloon Goes Pop
02:14 Pink Car Song
03:26 Alphabet Phonics Song 2
07:30 Numbers Balloons Orange 1
08:21 Honey Bee
10:31 Colors Lesson
15:22 I Like Purple
17:09 Numbers Balloons Green 2
18:02 Sing the Alphabet
20:13 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow"
23:35 Itsy Bitsy Spider
25:58 Colors of the Alphabet
27:58 Paint Balls Surprise Red
28:48 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
33:12 Color Cars Garage Orange Car
34:27 The Orange is Orange 2D
36:43 Shapes Lesson
40:15 Color of the Alphabet
41:55 Wheels on the Bus
43:45 Colors in Spanish
44:38 Princess Colors Show 1
48:24 Numbers Balloons Yellow 3
49:18 Days of the Week Song
51:54 Color Cars Garage Blue Car
53:30 Stevie Steamer Counting Fruit
57:32 Here Comes My Baby
1:00:09 Numbers School Bus
1:01:59 Princess Colors "Red Green Yellow Song"
1:04:37 Numbers Tea Set Yellow 3
1:06:04 Kids Go Play Song
1:08:04 Numbers Balloons Blue 4
1:09:14 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-YT-Music
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #LearnColors #NurseryRhymes
Princess Colors is back in this 3D Animated Starry Adventure into Outer Space. Busy Beavers take a ride on a Magic Flying Bus into a Colorful Galaxy to Learn Colours & make New Friends.
Watch this 75 Minute Kids Learning Video packed with 3D Animation Nursery Rhymes, Learning Songs, Classic 2D Busy Beavers Hits, Live Action Painting Lessons, Educational Toys, Funny Puppets & More. Busy Beavers is Always Safe, Wholesome & Fun to keep Children + Students Engaged & Entertained while they Learn the Standard Preschool Curriculum with their favorite Busy Beavers Characters.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
00:00 Princess Colors "Hello Yellow"
02:48 Wheels on the Bus (3D "All Day Long")
04:45 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
08:57 Finger Family Baby Shark
10:00 I Wash My Hands (Lesson)
10:56 The Bus is Red
13:19 Learning Colors Surprise (Red)
15:08 Red Car Song
17:20 Colors of the Alphabet ABC
19:32 Alphabet Toy School Bus ABC Lesson
22:01 Pink Bus Wait for Me
25:13 Learning Spaghetti (Pink)
26:36 Princess 123s "I Can Count to 10"
30:11 Wheels on the Bus (3D "All Through the Town")
32:29 Colors of the Alphabet DEF
34:30 Counting the Alphabet
40:34 Princess Shapes "Mr. Circle"
43:17 The Bus is Pink
46:07 Itsy Bitsy Spider (Club Singalong)
48:55 Wheels on the Bus (2D Yellow Bus "All Day Long")
50:47 Colors of the Alphabet GH
52:25 Counting School Buses Lesson
56:49 Red Bus Wait for Me
1:00:05 Alphabet Toy School Bus 123 Lesson
1:02:09 Count to 10 Song
1:04:43 Learning Colors Surprise (Green)
1:05:34 Colors of the Alphabet IJK
1:07:40 I'm Happy Song
1:10:45 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #wheelsonthebus #nurseryrhymes
Busy Beavers Teach Toddlers & Preschoolers the English Alphabet in this 70 Minute Compilation Packed with Catchy Songs & Cute Stories. Every Song, Chant & Lesson in this Video Teaches the ABCs, Letter Sounds & Phonics for Beginners with Fun Songs and Funny Characters.
Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
This 1 Hour Collection of Alphabet Themed Songs & Lessons is Compilation of New Busy Beavers Puppet Videos, 3D Animation & Classic 2D Animated Busy Beavers Vids.
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Track Listing:
00:00 Alphabet Phonics Song 4
03:50 Sing the Alphabet
06:12 Wooden Alphabet Puzzle
09:58 Princess ABCs "ABC Shake"
13:19 Counting the ABCs
16:24 The Alphabet Song
19:46 ABCD Bus
22:06 Play the Alphabet on Piano
24:50 Alphabet Words
28:57 Ever Blink ABCs
30:43 Animal Phonics Song
34:37 Alphabet Tea Set
36:04 Princess ABCs "Alphabet Mermaid"
39:16 Chant the Alphabet
41:58 Surfing the ABCs
44:30 I Love to Sing the ABCs
47:44 Letters of the Alphabet
49:50 Fishing for Letters
50:47 Princess ABCs Show
55:25 Colors of the Alphabet
1:10:47 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
Paying Subscribers to BusyBeavers.com get an AD-Free Experience in a Kid-Safe Platform with Educational 30 & 70 Minute Shows for Kids. Learn English, French, Spanish & More Languages, Download MP3s of Our Biggest Hits, Textbook Downloads, Hundreds of Worksheets & More
#BusyBeavers #ABCSongs #AlphabetSongs
"Honey Bee" is a Sing Along Song for Children that Teaches the words "Honey Bee", "Butterfly" & "Ladybug". Busy Beavers Original Hit Songs like "The Apple is Red" & "I'm Happy" have been sung around the world over 2 Billion Times. Share this Cute Catchy Song with your Children & Young Learners. The rest of this 30 Minute Compilation Teaches the English Alphabet, Colors, 123s & More.
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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.
Track Listing:
00:00 Honey Bee
02:12 Sing the Alphabet
04:03 Princess ABCs "ABC Shake"
07:14 Counting the Alphabet
09:34 Here Comes My Baby
12:36 Counting to 10
14:14 Humpty Dumpty
16:16 Alphabet Phonics Song 2
19:58 The Apple is Red
23:10 Learn to Fly
26:08 Stevie Steamer "Counting Animals"
29:56 Apples Are Yummy
32:39 Busy Beavers TV Show Theme Song
Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.
Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers
If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:
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