Back to back reddit videos? You are kidding! Some more AITA today (r/amIthea**hole). I hope you all enjoy!
► Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Bumfris
► Music Credit: Warm Nights - LAKEY INSPIRED
► Minecraft Parkour gameplay by Orbital
Trying something new. A little bit of Am I the A Hole in a shorter format. Hopefully any reddit video is a good video. I don't expect too many of you to still be around nearly 5 and a half years after I started but anyone that's still here, I'm still alive and well.
► Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Bumfris
► Music Credit: Warm Nights - LAKEY INSPIRED
► Minecraft Parkour gameplay by Naybr
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It may come as a surprise to some of you, but I am in fact alive. While I may have taken a long break, it seems as through Entitled Parents did not. If you're an Entitled Parent, you better look out because Bumfris is back baby.
► Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Bumfris
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
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