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  • Category: Comedy
  • Country: Australia

Just a guy with a passion for entertaining others. Mostly Reddit content with a side of randomness.

bumfris reddit rslash readit funny reddit reading funny reddit videos reddit comedy entitled parents aita am i the a hole

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Recent uploads from Bumfris

r/AITA but they're actually just entitled parents
12 April 2024
r/AITA that helps you fall asleep
10 April 2024
AITA for not wanting to tidy up? #aita #reddit #redditstories
28 April 2023
AITA for making my friends feel bad for not inviting me to "girls night"? #reddit #aita #redditstory
23 January 2023
AITA for telling my husband he was exaggerating? #reddit #aita #redditstories #redditfunny
17 January 2023
AITA for showing up to my husband's dr appointment when he asked me not to? #reddit #aita
15 January 2023
is bumfris back or is an entitled parent trying to fool you
16 December 2022
AITA for telling my step daughter not to call me mom? #reddit #aita #redditreadings #redditstories
15 December 2022
AITA for causing my sister to have her books taken away from her? #aita #reddit #redditreadings
13 December 2022
AITA for facetiming my husband while he was at his brother's bachelor party? #aita #reddit #redditor
12 December 2022

Bumfris Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Bumfris have?
Bumfris has 231.0K subscribers. Bumfris has had 46.0M total views.
How many views does Bumfris get per video?
Bumfris gets 241.9K views per episode on average. Bumfris has published 190 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Bumfris YouTube channel?
You can visit the Bumfris YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Bumfris mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Bumfris belong to?
Bumfris belongs to the Comedy category, and the creators are from Australia.

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