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  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Become a Member now to get access to advanced videos, BTS content + more đŸ‘‰ Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach - Bondi. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Clips, compilations and full episodes of Bondi Rescue uploaded every week. Bondi Rescue is a show about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf. Lifeguards at Bondi Beach must catch thieves, break up fights, perform CPR, make drugs busts and even sometimes handle navy bombs washed ashore! Watch on as lifeguards Hoppo, Deano, Jesse, Maxi, Harries and more show what it's like to have Australia's most exciting beach as their office With rescue board cameras and exclusive footage from the tower, Bondi Rescue gives you a behind-the-scenes look of what it takes to save a life Subscribe for previews, show clips and exclusive content only available on YouTube! Bondi Rescue is verified and run by Totem, on behalf of CJZ

Bondi Rescue lifesaver Resuscitation lifeguard bondi beach CPR drowning lifeguard rescues beach rescue near death experiences

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community interactions lifeguard rescues beach safety emergency situations behind-the-scenes of lifeguarding adventures at bondi beach

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How many subscribers does BondiRescue have?
BondiRescue has 2.7M subscribers. BondiRescue has had 1.1B total views.
How many views does BondiRescue get per video?
BondiRescue gets 874.5K views per episode on average. BondiRescue has published 1.3K videos.
How can I subscribe to the BondiRescue YouTube channel?
You can visit the BondiRescue YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when BondiRescue mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does BondiRescue belong to?
BondiRescue belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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