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Bola Kampung
  • Category: People and Blogs
  • Country: Malaysia

Hi everyone! As young and adventurous kids, Iwan and his friends wanted to try something new and cool. Thus, they decided to set up their own team by calling themselves Bola Kampung Football Club (BKFC). Since the day of formation, the BKFC team strives to become good street soccer players and therefore set out to seek and compete with other street soccer teams. This journey brings them to meet and play along with the best football players that have talented skills and great techniques. Their struggling journey was challenging and fascinating where most matches are played in strange places such as the paddy field, beaches, muddy areas, in caves and even haunted houses too! Will BKFC able to succeed and win these thrilling matches with their own unique styles of playing Street Soccer? With hard work, and strong determination, the BKFC team finally manage to overcome challenges by qualifying into the upcoming Youth Champions League competition.

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Bola Kampung has 448.0K subscribers. Bola Kampung has had 183.4M total views.
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Bola Kampung gets 541.0K views per episode on average. Bola Kampung has published 339 videos.
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What categories does Bola Kampung belong to?
Bola Kampung belongs to the People and Blogs category, and the creators are from Malaysia.

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