Andrew Price creates tutorials for the free open source 3D software "Blender". Born in Australia in 1988, Andrew has created Blender tutorials since 2008. His most popular videos are the blender "donut series", which teach beginners how to use Blender while making a donut. It's been remade four times since 2017 to stay up to date with Blender's major interface changes. Andrew is Founder and CEO of Poliigon ( which offers premium Textures, HDRIs and Models for 3D. In 2024 Andrew moved to West Hollywood LA to be closer to the 3D industry.
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A full tutorial course on the fundamentals of texturing and shaders in Blender. Learn how to make a grungy brick wall for realistic environments.
What you'll learn:
0:00 Shader Fundamentals
5:50 Procedural Textures
09:05 Image Textures
13:20 The Importance of PBR Textures
17:09 UV Unwrapping
20:22 PBR Texture Setup
29:55 You're wrong about bumps!
40:20 Node Wrangler Addon
43:16 Poliigon Addon
45:30 Adjusting a texture
50:22 Breaking up repetition
1:03:20 Image texture painting
1:06:54 Vertex Painting
1:12:12 The "Color Burn Technique"
1:22:23 Using Decals
1:29:36 Wet leak patterns
1:36:40 A challenge
1:38:06 Efflorescence effect
1:40:50 Desaturation effect
1:44:33 Spalling effect
1:51:22 The final node setup
-Join the waitlist for my upcoming Blender course:
Free Brick Texture:
-Poliigon Addon:
-Graffiti Texture:
-Abandoned Brick reference:
-White Efflorescence references:
-Scale Reference Man model (cc0):
===Animation Credits===
Concept & Layout - One Pixel Brush (
Scene Polish & Camera Animation - Pawel Pecherzewski
Shader - Andrew Price
===Follow me🫰===
Music license ID JFTPWZDFYLB752M4
The complete beginner blender donut tutorial course in one video for those who prefer it over the multipart series.
Watch it in parts:
Blender Guru Discord:
Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet:
Industry Compatible Cheat Sheet (not mine, used with permission):
Donate to Blender:
Poliigon Blender Addon:
Marble Texture on Poliigon:
Plate model:
Utensils model:
Upcoming Blender Course:
===Follow me🫰===
=== Chapter Marks (separated by paragraph spaces for each part)✂️===
00:00 Intro
01:10 Download and Install
02:15 Interface & Navigation
05:09 Render Mode & Panning
06:33 Moving objects and camera & making a render
12:42 Change the material
15:16 Scale & Rotation
17:52 Add the Torus
22:26 Subdivision modifier
29:38 Proportional editing
31:29 Deforming the donut
32:56 Shrinking the circumference
36:30 Duplicate an object
38:25 Name objects
41:36 The solidify modifier & Snap to Face
45:16 Apply the subsurf modifier
49:35 Make the edge wavy and round
53:51 Extrusion
57:08 Technical check
58:18 Shrinkwrap modifier
1:01:14 Applying thickness
1:05:49 Inflate, Grab, & Mask brushes
1:12:46 Filter & Smooth brushes
1:18:51 Creating the countertop
1:19:24 Parenting objects
1:21:02 Countertop texture
1:24:34 Material nodes, Roughness map, & normal map
1:31:49 Texture Painting
1:37:36 Geometry Nodes
1:40:56 Scattering points
1:42:31 Make a round sprinkle & Poisson Disk
1:46:56 Weight painting
1:54:55 Accurate real-world size
1:58:10 Fix the sprinkle density
2:02:53 The cylinder
2:04:11 Model the sprinkle
2:07:37 Sprinkle variants
2:11:04 Organize with Collections
2:15:26 Scattering an entire collection & changing the sprinkle rotation
2:18:21 Rotation Euler & random rotation
2:23:04 Distance and sizing
2:26:26 Apply materials to multiple objects
2:27:38 Generate random values per materials
2:31:14 Metallic sprinkles
2:35:35 Fly navigation
2:37:36 Render engines
2:43:43 Computer too slow?
2:45:53 Reset the lamp location
2:47:12 Subsurface Scattering (SSS)
2:54:18 Image reference & modelling the plate
3:04:49 Stack the donuts
3:10:28 Assign sprinkles
3:11:22 Trackball rotation
3:12:10 Scale the countertop and making the backsplash
3:13:31 Icing colors
3:16:34 Creating a ceramic plate material
3:18:43 Sky Texture
3:21:03 Kitchen enclosure
3:23:24 Snapping feature and removing unneeded faces
3:26:39 The window
3:27:31 Shaping the light and tweaking the sun intensity
3:31:48 Import a model
3:33:45 Install an addon
3:36:05 Lighting fixes
3:39:26 Intro to compositor
3:43:11 Color management "Looks" & AgX
3:45:18 Creating glare
3:51:08 Realtime compositing
3:54:51 Lens Distortion & Chromatic Aberration
3:58:00 Keyframe basics
4:00:18 Adding a pivot object
4:01:23 Parenting to the empty
4:02:11 Create rotation keyframes
4:04:39 The Dope Sheet & The Graph Editor
4:06:35 Changing the keyframe ease
4:08:09 Keyframing the scale
4:09:47 Normalizing the Graph Editor
4:11:51 Frames per second
4:14:20 Choosing the sample count
4:17:12 Noise threshold
4:18:00 Time limit & Rendering to a still image sequence
4:21:34 Pre-Rendering Checklist Time!
4:22:00 Face orientation check
4:23:28 Unwanted object & intersection check
4:24:34 Improving the composition & lighting
4:29:06 Exposure & color check
4:31:29 Add SSS to the donut
4:34:37 Add Big Medium Small details
4:37:02 Improving the Sky lighting & Adding Depth of Field
4:39:02 Add Motion Blur
4:45:39 Editing in Premiere
4:46:17 Video Editing & Loading an image sequence
4:48:11 Holding the last frame and Fading to black
4:50:17 Export the final video
4:53:45 Donut variation challenge!
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