Automotive Channel. Owner of Corvette Z06, Mustang GT, & Moto Guzzi Flying Fortress Here I try to be funny, informative, and overall just have a good time teaching beginner enthusiasts the ropes about the car or bike community. From words, to their definitions, to their application, and even visualization of where they are on the actual vehicle. I only use YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. I DO NOT HAVE A TWITCH, DISCORD, OR "Active" TIKTOK ACCOUNT, ANY ACCOUNT THERE IS A FAKE. Please read before contacting, - I DO NOT respond to Fan Mail, plz Tweet at me instead. - I DO NOT Respond to MCNs. Seriously, I will never join one. Ever.
Why Japan Needs Another Supercar. The R35 Nissan GTR has been discontinued and the Lexus LFR is hopefully on the horizon...but what do we between then? Will the LFR live up to the hype? Will it even make it to production? What will Japan's Automotive Future look like, as their country struggles financially? How will Japanese Tuning Culture win car arguments online, when all their JDM Legends are discontinued and the best Tuners in the Industry is some guy in America smoking a Cigar and boosting an old Supra past 2000HP? (Seriously, that doesn't really count as a Japanese W if a Foreign Tuner has to push it past it's limit. Real Prestige comes from fully homegrown prowess).
Will KDM and Chinese Domestic Cars surpass Japan? Have they already surpassed Japanese Cars? Is Japan declining as the East Asian Powerhouse? Yes. Yes they are. And that doesn't make me happy to see...someday soon. I hope the Sun Rises again.
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
Why doesn't Japan make Supercars anymore? The once mighty Godzilla Nissan GTR, is now meeting it's end. Part of me is glad to see a long overstayed legend take a much needed rest, but another part of me is really sad realizing that nothing will take it's place. The GTR was the final Continous Production Japanese Supercar. With a now empty throne, will Japan make a new Supercar to fill the void...or leave the seat for someone else to take? If they don't act fast, maybe the future will belong to KDM or CDM instead of JDM...!
Car Mods That INCREASE Resale Value! The Inverse of Car Mods that RUIN Resale Value. These are mods liked by Non-Car Guys and Car Guys Alike! Whether it's a fresh coat of paint, interior upgrades, and more, here are Car mods you can shamelessly put onto your car, without fear of further depreciation!
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
wHy aRE AMeRiCaN V2 ENGiNEs sO SLoW? Unlike American Muscle Cars in the 1970's, we have no good excuse for American V-Twin's being slow other than laziness and rose tinted nostalgia. V8 Muscle Cars had a renaissance in the mid 2010's, finally evolving beyond the boat-like handling and straight line stupidity. Perhaps here in the mid 2020's, the American Motorcycles will also have a renaissance?
10 Signs You're a Bad Driver NPC EDITION. Non-Car Guys really out here stuck in the starting zone while us Car Guys are LEVELING UP OUR SKILLS. FUGGING GRINDING. Also instead of 10 signs this video, it's actually just 5, and instead of me putting 5 in the title, I'm just gonna put it here instead. Did I put enough metadata for the algae of rhythm yet?
~Watch my Other Videos on this topic!~
10 MORE Signs You're a Bad Driver:
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
Car Mods That RUIN Resale Value! Don't do these car mods if you want to sell your car for more money! A common misconception is that spending more money on their car, will result in more money being returned to them after the sale, but not only do cars Depreciate, the mods on them can as well! Sometimes, those mods are so undesirable, they go beyond depreciation and even ACTIVELY REDUCE the car's value faster than normal depreciation would.
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
Why are V6's so over hated? Be it the V6 Mustang, Ford GT, VQ Infiniti Bois, or even mighty Godzilla. Is The Nissan GTR is overrated, or maybe just over hated?
Why Aren't Motorcyclists As Toxic As Car Guys? Why is Car Culture Dying Compared to Motorcyclists who are still going strong? The main reason is Clout. Not only are Clout chasers annoying hypocrites, they are also surprisingly toxic. Motorcycle Culture has been protected from the Clout Attack of the Post Quarantine Era, and this mostly has to do with our close brotherhood as well as having built-in Anti-Clout Defenses. It's a rather grim system, but a defense is a defense. Reality is cruel after all. No one is invincible, a car may insulate some stupidity, but a Bike won't give you that same forgiveness. Those coming in to Clout Chase, Speed, and be overall stupid, will find themselves on the Pavement sooner or later. If you sucked up your pride, I'll gladly still extend my hand and ask for you to stay with a level head. Otherwise, if clout boys keep it up, then a grim future awaits...
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
Is Car Culture Dying? Car Culture Has Changed for better or worse. Be it Mr. Beast Crushing Lamborghini's, Andrew Tate asking about Your Bugatti, or Logan Paul and KSI Flexing their Lamborghini's. The Reason to love Cars is no longer about Horsepower and Heritage. It's about Status and Dollar Signs. The Era of Clout Culture has without a doubt, ruined Cars. This isn't all bad though, maybe it's just our first valley. If Skateboarding is still hanging on, even well beyond it's peak, maybe it's not so hopeless for those still hanging onto cars as well? Someday, we'll take the world by storm again, I know it.
If we don't, I'm going to just keep riding Motorcycles instead HAHA. If Gas Cars get banned in 15 more years, then by switching to a bike, I might get another 15! LONG LIVE THE PISTON ENGINE.
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing."
The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
Why do police hate window tint so much? It's just darker windows, it's no big deal! Well, it is a big them at least. Their safety is in danger, as they need to be able to identify the person driving, except just kidding, I lied. Did you know wearing a full faced helmet is completely legal when driving? Like you can literally wear a Motorcycle Helmet with a tinted Visor that completely obscures your identity from the Officer and they can't do anything about it. So with that in they really need to see our face, if other laws (or lack thereof) completely contradict the purpose of enforcing window tint?
Let's be real. Window Tint Laws exist to meet Monthly Ticket Quotas.
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